Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It’s Not Too Late

When a dream or a desire takes a while, it’s easy for us to throw in the towel, give up and quit all together. We start off strong but as time goes by we talk ourselves out of the dreams. Today I want to light a new fire that will awaken the giant within you to realize every promise God put in your heart.

When God gave a dream to Joseph, none of his family members understood it. In fact, they made fun of him calling him the dreamer and then tried to kill him! He was sold to traders and eventually as slave to Potiphar the captain of Pharaoh’s guard. Every season of Joseph’s life was marked with difficulty, false accusation and betrayal. Sounds familiar?

Today many people are living a down, defeated and mediocre life because they have given up on themselves. They’ve hit a few walls, come to their rock bottoms and now they’re just tired. They feel it’s not worth the fight. Nothing will change. It’s too late. Someone said the richest place on earth is not the diamond mines of Africa or the oil fields of the Middle East. The richest place on earth is the graveyards where dreams got buried without being fulfilled. Witty inventors, engineers, doctors, scientists, authors, business persons, politicians, actors, artists are buried in there because people gave up a little too soon. They died with their dreams still inside. My recommendation today is don’t give up.

Like Joseph, battles may be raging against you. A bad medical report, financial loss, problem in a relationship or a legal problem may have crippled you but make no mistake, God is still with you. The reason you’re still here is because you’re made to overcome.

I’m sure you’ve seen how a caterpillar struggles to get out of its cocoon. Many good natured children have tried to cut the cocoon in order to free the caterpillar but instead they have damaged their ability to fly. Likewise, God can deliver you right now but it will stifle your growth, character building and appreciation for fine things in life. Scientists have discovered that when a caterpillar struggles to breakthrough from its hard shell, the cocoon pushes the fluids out of its body and into its wings. Without the struggle, the butterfly would never fly.

I’m not suggesting that God created you to struggle. He never promised us a life without problems however, He has promised to be with us in our troubles. When difficulty comes, it’s in you to overcome. God has allowed you the circumstances in your life because He believes in you. He’s put every resource necessary to come through victoriously. The odds may be against you now but hang in there. It’s not too late. Your problems are not there to kill you; they’re there to promote you. What looks like a setback is actually a set up. Have faith in God. What feels like an ugly caterpillar right now is soon going to be transformed into a beautiful butterfly. Push through a little longer. Be a little more patient. It’s never too late to hope in God.

Against all odds, Joseph persevered and God put him second in command to Pharos. You too will overcome and rewarded. Keep pressing on. It’s not too late.

All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today. ~ Pope Paul VI

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