Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Releasing Our Children for Missions

We all celebrate and brag about our children being a medical doctor, teacher, engineer, entrepreneur or an artist. It is the right thing to do. When a young person chooses his/her career on a positive path, we all should be happy and proud of them. What we don’t hear much of these days are young people encouraged to serve God on the mission field abroad or here at home. This is hurting our culture and our influence on the world is declining.

This week I’m extremely proud of my nieces Maria, Christina and their friend Jordan. All in their early twenties, these ladies left the comfort of their homes in Houston to make a trip to Nepal. They’re all exceptional college students but they have a deeper value that sent them to a foreign land to share Christ with others.

As Christian parents we encourage our children to choose a career path that is going to be lucrative financially. There is nothing wrong in that. But if we value our faith and eternal life, we should also encourage our young people to serve God. Young people have the strength, courage and a sense of adventure to go where we may not be able to go right now. When we emphasis the heroism in serving God, we’re impacting eternity through our young generation.

For the next two weeks Maria and her team will touch thousands of lives in Hindu schools, orphanages, speaking in churches, performing skits and singing. They’ll witness to villagers as they trek through the breathtaking Himalayan Mountains. They are going to impact lives for eternity and harvest souls for our Lord.

What should be our response when our children want to serve God? Instead of discouraging them we should empower them. We need to teach our young people that serving God is the greatest vocation in life. When we serve God, we work for the King. The salaries may not be in six figures but the perks and pensions are from out of this world – literally! We must encourage this generation of young people to have a heart for God. It will do us all good to teach our children to have compassionate heart and eternal values.

This is what my friends Dave and Tomme did. Twenty two years ago Dave spent a few weeks on the mission field with me. Ever since he returned he’s been praying, talking and supporting world missions. On my last mission trip, not only Dave was able to return but he brought his 15 year-old son Ben with him. Ben was ahhmazing! Every time I gave him an opportunity he ceased the moment! Young and adults heard their first Bible story from Ben. On the last night of their stay in Nepal was the highlight. Ben showed off his dance moves to the locals and won their hearts forever. Ben will never be the same again neither will be the people he touched!

I know many of my friends are engaging their children in missions. During summer they send their children on mission trips. They need our prayers and support. They need to know we believe in what they’re doing. They need our encouragement.

In the month of July, I’m going back to Asia to minister in China’s persecuted churches. I’d love to have you in my team. If you’ve never been exposed to a short term missions trip, this is your golden opportunity. Only ten to twelve days of your investment can change the rest of your life. We will be training pastors and leaders, ministering to our persecuted brothers and sisters, love on orphan kids and supply thousands of Bibles to China’s underground churches. Are you available? If not, why don’t you send your young people with us? Together, we can change the world!

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8 NIV)

Click Here to Join a Mission Trip to Asia:

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