Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, May 31, 2013

20 Facebook Etiquettes

Not too long ago, my oldest daughter joined millions on Facebook (FB). I wrote a few guidelines to protect her from online intruders as well as dos and don’ts to build an online presence. Some of this may be applicable to you.
1. Anything you share on FB is for the world to know. Don’t be upset saying, “There is no privacy.” You’re giving your consent for the world to see when you sign up for FB. Don’t blame FB for changing their privacy policy … again!

2. Don’t get naked, both physical and even more importantly - emotionally. Don’t post anything on social media when you’re feeling down, depressed and upset. Have some self-control and take at least a 48 hour break. You’ll be amazed how your feelings will change and you’ll thank yourself for not putting your passing thoughts for the world to know.
3. Don’t vent on FB. It’s one thing to be real but another thing to advertise your worst experiences to the world. Don’t trash-talk about people especially, your family and friends. You belittle yourself when you talk down on people. We’re to build people up and not tear them down. You must vent but talk to a real friends offline, who won’t judge your feelings.

5. Don’t be shallow. The world doesn’t care when/what you eat, sleep or how you like your coffee. Share things that are deeper than the mundane things of your life.
6. Life is a boomerang. Whatever message you send out will echo back to you! Take interest in other people and they’ll take interest in yours.

7. Resist the temptation to fire your opinion when you don’t agree with a statement other people have posted, especially on their wall. Accept the opinion of others. If the message could be interpreted in two ways, the author meant for you to look at it the most positive way.
8. Never criticize anyone on FB. Criticism is like a cancer. You can kill a gossip or spread it. How would you want others to gossip about you? When we criticize, we’re raising our children and grandchildren to be cynical, harsh and judgmental. Even God doesn’t judge a man until the end of his days, why should you and I? You don’t know what people are going through. You don’t know what made them form their opinion. If you want to be like Jesus, stop throwing stones at people.

9. Agree to disagree. Everyone has the right to voice their own opinion but that doesn’t mean you have to exercise your right. There’s no need to put anyone down just because you disagree (or worse, don’t like the person). You don’t have to agree but you don’t have to condemn them either. Find a common ground to agree.
10. Do not argue. It is a waste of time. People will not change just because you’re right. They have to be hungry for it. Let the Holy Spirit do His job to convict and convince people.

Social media is a wonderful, powerful and fun place to be. It’s a platform to share your life and interest with the world and vise versa. Use it to glorify God and build people up. Make others look good and God will help you shine.
To be continued tomorrow (11-20)…

“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6 NIV).
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