Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Upgrade Your Expectations

Expectations can either make or break us. Having little expectation results in having little in life. If you cannot foresee things improving, they will not. However, if you expect to be healed, get promoted, or experience financial increase then you will see new levels of favor and success.

I recently flew back to Dallas from Japan after returning from a mission trip to Indochina. When I approached my boarding gate, I heard my name on the loud speaker. I was unable to catch everything so I made my way to the counter. The lady asked me for my boarding pass. When I handed it to her, she tore it up and presented me with a new one. She said, “Congratulations, Mr. Anderson, we have upgraded you to Premier Class.” I thanked her, accepted it graciously and walked away with a smile.

On several other occasions, I have been upgraded to first-class seats. Why is that? It is because I ask God for favor every time I travel. I thank Him for the best seats and the best airline service. I travel with high expectations and usually end up with preferential treatment.

Let me ask you a question. What are you expecting? Are you expecting big things, small things, or nothing at all?

As a young man who experienced many negative things in life, I coined the phrase, “No expectation, and no frustration.” When you are hit with a series of bad breaks, injustice or a chronic illness, it is easy to anticipate the worst. However, if you shift your attitude and expect the best—to live in health and accomplish your dreams—then you will attract blessings and favor. Do not let negative experiences keep you from enjoying the good things God has for you today. Expect God-things!

In Mark Chapter 10, Jesus was leaving Jericho and a great crowd followed him. There was a blind beggar on the side of the road named Bartimaeus. When he heard all the commotion, he started shouting, "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!" The people around him told him to be quiet. They saw Bartimaeus as insignificant.  They didn’t think Jesus would be interested in him. The odds were against Bartimaeus but he had high expectations. The more the crowd tried to quiet him, the louder he shouted. Finally, Jesus stopped and asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus answered, "I want to see!" Jesus replied, "Go on your way. Your faith has made you whole." Instantly he could see.

Here is what I want you to see. There were other sick people present that day, yet Bartimaeus was the only one who was healed. Why? Bartimaeus went out there expecting a healing! He did not let people talk him out of it, nor did he let the circumstances get him down. He put his faith into action and got what he expected!

Every morning when you wake up, say to yourself, “Something good is going to happen to me today!” You have to get your expectation going in the right direction at the beginning of each day. Then throughout the day go around thanking God, expecting your miracle.

Are you letting the enemy talk you out of what God has put in your heart? The enemy is a liar and a deceiver. He will tell you, “You will never get out of debt! You will never get well! You will never go on that mission trip! You will never reach your potential, you have too much opposition!"

Be like Bartimaeus and ignore what people are saying. Delete the negative experiences of your past. Shrug off the worry, defeat, and doubt. Do not try to figure out how everything will work out. When the opposition is too high, you have to want it on a new level. You cannot be passive and expect to have a good life. Life may have given you some lemons but you have to be determined and optimistic. Things may look impossible right now but God can do the impossible. The odds may be against you but Almighty God—the Creator of the Universe—is for you. Where you are now is not your final destiny. You have to believe in the goodness of God. He wants you happy, healthy, enjoying life, and helping those without hope. Get your passion back. Get your enthusiasm back. Get your expectation antenna out. No matter what has happened in the past, today is a new day. God is doing a new thing. Upgrade your expectations. If you do this, I pray and declare that your expectations shall not be cut off!

“My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him” (Psalm 62:5 NKJV).

Become a Life Changer:
Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Stay Committed

We all have dreams, desires, and goals that we are believing God for. At times, when it’s taking too long, when it’s not happening on our time table, it’s easy to slack off and be tempted to give up. But if we’re to reach our maximum potential, we have to stay committed until the end.

My personality type is to keep moving forward. Sometimes, I move on too quickly. I’m good at starting but not so good at finishing. God is dealing with me to stay committed to the people and the things He has called me to. It is uncomfortable but I’m learning.

What about you? Are you tempted to give up easily? Do you run away from challenges when things get complicated or take longer than expected? God is saying to us, “If you stay committed to the end, you’ll see the glory of God.” He will reward you double for your troubles.

Back in 1960, a young man enrolled in the University of Michigan in order to become an architect. His father died when he was four years old so he grew up in an orphanage. He borrowed $900 to start a pizza business that would help fund his education, but he faced many setbacks. His business partner stole thousands of dollars from him. In 1968, a fire broke out and burned down his business. The insurance paid him pennies on the dollar. Despite the odds, the young man remained committed to the vision that God gave him.

One day he had an idea to deliver pizza to customers instead of having them come to his restaurant. He came up with the first delivery service and called it Domino’s. Today, you may have enjoyed a slice of their pizza because Domino’s has over 6,000 locations around the world. A few years ago, Tom Monaghan sold his company for a billion dollars! He is a very generous man, helping orphaned children around the world.

What is my point? Stay committed to the vision God put in your heart. You may have plenty of reasons to give up, but do like Monaghan. Stay committed until the end and your dream will come to pass. God will give you double for your trouble.
Be determined. Leaving is easy but ask yourself what are you going to? Stay committed to your marriage. Stay committed to your children even if they are not where you want them to be. Be loyal to your friends. Stay committed to the relationship, work, and your church. There may be times when you are tempted to give up. You could justify walking away. But God rewards consistent, loyal, and committed people.
Do not settle for mediocrity. There is greatness within you. God did not bring you this far only to leave you. He put a world vision in you. God wants to use you and increase your influence. Do not let people, disappointments, or circumstances talk you out of it. If you stay committed, God will bring you to a flourishing finish!

In 2 Kings Chapter 2, Elijah was about to be taken up to heaven. His apprentice, Elisha, knew that his master’s life was coming to an end. One day, Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here! I’m going to the city of Bethel.” Elisha said, “I’ll never leave you.” Off they went to Bethel. When they reached the city, Elijah said, “Stay here, I’m going to Jericho.” Again, Elisha denied leaving him. When they arrived Jericho, Elijah told him the third time, “Stay here Elisha; I’m going to the Jordan River.” Once again, Elisha refused and said, “I will never leave you!” Three times Elijah tried to get rid of his apprentice but Elisha was committed.

Finally, Elijah said, “You’ve been a loyal person. You’ve served me well. You’ve been faithful for so many years. What can I do for you?” Elisha replied, “I want the double portion of your anointing!” His master said, “You've asked a hard thing, but if you see me at the time I'm being taken away, you will have it.” Shortly afterwards, Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind and his mantle fell on his disciple. Elisha went on to perform twice the miracles!

Here’s the key. If you want to see the double portion of God’s anointing in your life, stay committed until the end. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to give up on your dream. The enemy will entice you to walk away from your marriage, walk away from the relationship, walk away from your job, or your church. Leaving is easy. What are you going to? When you stay loyal, consistent, and faithful, a double portion is coming, double favor, double honor, double resources. Stay committed until the end and God will give you double for your trouble!

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9 NIV).

Become a Life Changer:
Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Focus on the Eternal

So much of our time, energy, and plans focus on material things. From birth, we are programmed to grab, get, and gather. I am all for abundant living; however, we should never lose focus on the eternal perspective in pursuit of happiness!

When you study the Scriptures, you will find that Jesus made great effort to improve people’s quality of life. However, after meeting their material needs, He always pointed them towards eternity in heaven. I believe God is doing the same thing today. He wants us to enjoy life but to never sidetrack and lose sight of our eternal purpose.

Recent news of the premature death of basketball superstar, Kobe Bryant, shocked the world. I do not know too much about his beliefs or values, nor am I knowledgeable of basketball. What I do know is that Kobe Bryant had worldwide influence.

I, too, am distraught by the sudden demise of such a great athlete at the age of only 41. I am saddened to think of the family he left behind. Please pray for them! The news of the accident forced me to acknowledge the shortness and fragility of life. It has provoked me to reconsider my priorities and live with an eternal perspective that glorifies God. Kobe Bryant’s hard work, talent, and achievements gained him respect, wealth, and influence. Unfortunately, his life was cut short and he left it all behind.

In Mark chapter 10, a man runs up to Jesus and kneels before Him saying, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus tells him to keep God’s commandments to which the young man replies, Teacher, I have kept all these things from my youth up.” Then Jesus looks at him with love and says, “One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” At these words the man was saddened and walked away grieving, for he was one who owned much property.

Many people misinterpret this passage. See, God is not against people having a good life or nice things. The problem is when the goods own you. God wants you to have a life of peace, joy, prosperity, health, and abundance. The Bible says, “Remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18 NIV). We know that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father in heaven (James 1:17). Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

Is God against material success? No, of course not, but our vision is skewed if our success takes the focus away from eternity. God is not against wealth, fame, influence, or affluence; in fact, these are His blessings. Do not get so caught up in the gifts that you forget the gift-Giver! Use what you have to honor God in everything you do.

Life is a vapor. The time we occupy here on earth is miniscule compared to eternity. If we are only focused on the here and now, then we are going to miss out on eternity. Shall we not then focus more on the eternal and less on what is temporary?

In Gladiator, Maximus, the roman general, quotes Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor, and says, “What we do in this life, echoes in eternity!” I love this statement because it is so true for us believers. What we do now affects eternity!

So what can we do to live a life with eternal perspective? Start with your own belief system. Is it in alignment with God’s? Pay attention to who you have in your life—your family, friends, and loved ones! They sacrifice the most for you. Are you expressing gratitude and appreciation towards them? Do not just assume that they know; instead, keep reminding them how much you love them. When it comes to material possessions, enjoy what you have but be generous to invest in the eternal also.

Denzel Washington once said, You'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. ... Now, I've been blessed to make hundreds of millions of dollars in my life. I can't take it with me, and neither can you. It's not how much you have but what you do with what you have.”

Friend, let us enjoy the life God has given us, but let us also have an eternal perspective. For the unseen is more real than the seen.

“While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18 NKJV)

Become a Life Changer:
Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Connect with the Right People

We can only go so far in life on our own. When we connect with people who are more talented, successful, and further along, their influence is going to flow down to us. You will witness increase and promotion because of association.

C.S. Lewis said, "The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are." You should be connected to people who inspire, encourage, and empower you. They will challenge you and help you become a better version of you.

Did you know that Thomas Edison, Harry Firestone, and Henry Ford all had summer homes next door to one another in Florida? They were close friends and would spend much of their time together. Notice that they did not associate with just anyone. They hung out with other dreamers and visionaries. Is it any surprise that they inspired others, invented things, and became history makers?

God has some power-associations in store for you too! However, they will not simply waltz into your life. You must actively search for them. When you associate with someone who is favored by God, take the time to learn from them, sow into them, and speak into their lives. The more blessed they are, the more blessed you will become. 

The people we spend our time with have tremendous influence in our lives. When we choose our friends wisely, we begin to see growth in ourselves, our families, our businesses, and our careers. It is alright to help those who are in need, but if they become our only friends then we can quickly stifle our own growth. 

The Bible says that Daniel had an excellent spirit. When you study his life, you discover that he had excellent friends. Three of them were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They refused to bow down before the king's golden idol. Is it any wonder that Daniel was a person of excellence? His teenage friends had integrity, courage, big dreams, and would not compromise. We do not have to have a “better than you” attitude but we can choose friends who challenge us to go higher. 

As a minister, I meet many kinds of people and I am a friend to all. Nevertheless, I choose my inner circle very carefully. I pay attention to how people think, how they treat others, and how they act. If their words are negative, critical, or judgmental, I avoid them. I stay away from people who are all talk but no action. I minister to them, but I limit the time I spend with them. 

I have also learned about the balance of giving. Don’t become so busy serving others that you neglect to cultivate the relationships that will carry you. Don’t sacrifice your own happiness, trying to keep everybody else happy.  

Make sure that you have people in your life that you can rely on! God has friends lined up for you that do not need anything from you. They are stronger, smarter, more influential, and more experienced than you. You do not have to inspire them, they will inspire you. They will lift you up when you are feeling down. They will invite you to dinner. They will even introduce you to their connections. 

If you want to see increase, you must be generous with your time, energy, and resources. Honor those who have what you want. The anointing you respect is the anointing you will attract. On the other hand, you will never have what you constantly criticize. 

Friend, God is the greatest Force and Source in the universe. When you give God first place in your life, you will become the ultimate success. Your alignment is more important than your assignment! Like Edison, Firestone, and Ford, surround yourself with the right people. Successful people find themselves in the company of other successful people. Victorious people associate with other victorious people. Happy people hang around other happy people. 

This year, I encourage you to evaluate your friendships on a regular basis. Seek out people of excellence who are bigger, better, and brighter than you. God is poised to expose you to new heights. Make room for the new relationships that He has in store for you. Seek out people who think bigger, dream bigger, and believe bigger than you. God has already lined up the right relationships to advance you. Connect with the right people and you will increase by association! 

“Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble” (Proverbs 13:20 NLT).

Become a Life Changer:
Building People. Spreading Hope.