Building People. Spreading Hope.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Replacing Fear with Faith

Faith and fear operate in the same way. Yet, most people choose fear over faith. Somewhere in their deep–rooted thinking, they fear God is going to punish them for the wrongs they have done.

Just the other day I was visiting with a young friend. He was distraught about something he had done years before is catching up to him. He confessed that he was subdued with fear. Even though he’s repented and ceased from his old ways, he was having trouble going past his mistakes.

I told my friend what I’m telling you. There’s nothing in your past that the grace of God cannot forgive. If you’ve brought it under the blood of Jesus, you’re free. Instead of fear you can activate your faith. Where there is faith, there are miracles.

If you notice, fear is always based upon the future. Nobody is sure of tomorrow but when fear grips our hearts we’re crippled by a future that no one knows. We are not certain about tomorrow but we buy into believing that something bad will happen to us in the future. This is a terrible way to live.

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” ~ Francis Chan

One of the greatest amongst fear is the fear of failing. How we look at failure will determine what feats we’ll accomplish in life. A lot of my friends are very smart and they own businesses. Every once in a while I’ll hear them say, “We’re going to have a bad year.” They’re almost expecting business to fail because they’ve heard some news experts or read a newspaper column.

Just the other day a friend told me how he lost a lot of money on stocks that he had bought out of fear. He heard a person from a respectable platform and read his book that planted a seed of fear in his heart. After he lost a lot of money on his “fear stock” God began to deal with him. Now he is activating faith instead of fear. I say this respectfully but just because someone claims to be an “expert” doesn’t mean they can predict your future. Instead of trusting in man, learn to trust the leading of the Holy Spirit. He will lead and guide you into all Truth.

Sometimes people closest to us can cause panic in our hearts. Our friends have a huge influence over our lives. If we’re spending bulk of our time with naysayers, don’t be surprised if your fear overtakes your faith. Be friendly to all people but don’t bring naysayers home with you. Make friends with faith-filled people.

Today whatever may come your way I challenge you to replace fear with faith. If it is a business decision, go with peace in your heart. If it’s a health issue, trust God’s Word for full recovery. If you’re concerned about your finances, remember God our Provider. If you’re worried about your children, give them up to God. He knows how to keep them safe and bring them to a flourishing finish. Doubt, fear and uncertainty will knock on your door but answer it with faith. You’re not washed up. God has a perfect mate in store for you. He will heal your marriage. He has commanded His angels to be strong on your behalf and execute victory in your situation. Replace faith with fear. God is with you and He is for you!

“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me” (Psalm 23:4 NLT).

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