Inside each of us
there is a desire to do great things in life. God put that dream in there so
that we can change history. Our lives are not to be like a leaves floating
through life but to make an eternal impact. We’re born to make history.
We all start off with
great dreams and visions in life. Children go around in the capes trying to be
a super-hero. Unfortunately negative experiences and words of people convince
us that we’re merely ordinary. We give up our dreams and settle for the average
life. At best, we’re satisfied with the
American dream – big, house, big car and a big bank balance. None of this is wrong
in itself but if that is where our dreams end then we’re dreaming too small.
Last week I was
attending a funeral of my dear friend Mr. Tim. He was only in his mid-sixties
but his life came to an abrupt end. He’s in the loving arms of Jesus now.
Please pray for his family. What I liked about his funeral was that people came
forward to attribute greatness to his life by the lives he touched. Some flew
in from out of town. The room was packed with people. Every person in the hall
was touched by Mr. Tim in one way or other. I myself went to the microphone and
shared how his life and partnership continues to change lives in Asia. Apart from his sterling character, Mr. Tim
was a history maker. He will meet the people he touched and spend eternity with
them worshipping our Lord.
It is easy to get
so busy and focused on the natural things of the world that sometimes we have
no time left to think about eternity. Yet, what is unseen is much more real
than what we busy ourselves with every day. When
Jesus walked on this earth, he constantly pointed people to heaven and life
after death. Our time on earth is short-lived but eternity is forever. We too must spend our time, effort and
energy in the light of eternity. God wants us to make our mark in history.
Often we look in
the mirror and think, “What difference
can I make?” That is one of the biggest lies of the enemy. God has put
gifts and talents in each of us to make a difference in our world. Parhald is a
young man in the Himalayas who had to quit school in seventh grade. There was
very little opportunity in his village so he joined the revolutionary fight for
an independent state in his region. He carried weapons and lived the guerilla
lifestyle fighting for their cause. During his short visit home, a family
member challenged him to serve God and do something great with his life. Shortly
after, Prahlad came to our Mission Training Center and received short training
in the Bible. Long story short, for the last sixteen years, Pastor Prahlad is
serving the Lord full time with our ministry. He has been instrumental to touch hundreds of thousands of lives in the
Himalayas. He is a true example of what God can do with an ordinary person.
Pastor Prahlad is a history maker!
I meet people
every day who are living an ordinary life but deep inside they have an uncanny
desire to do something great for God. Lawyers, business persons, housewives,
students, professionals want to be part of Build International Ministries
because they know we’re touching thousands of lives with the Gospel every
month. No matter what you do, always
think of yourself as a history maker. There’s more to you than what you
think. You are here on earth to make an eternal impact. Nothing is too small when you do it for our great God.
Friend, don’t settle
for a mediocre life or even the American dream. I challenge you to find and live God’s dream for your life. He
wants to use you to make history. Like my friend Mr. Tim, Pastor Prahlad and
Jesus, we too are born to touch lives for our God. Together, we can make our
world a better place to live and make an impact in eternity. You are a history maker!
“If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil
for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the
Master to use you for every good work” (2
Timothy 2:21 NLT).
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