Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Spend Time with the Right People

Much of life is defined by our friendships. People we hang around will determine the quality of our lives. If we seek out wise counsel by Godly people, we’ll rise to a whole new level. Our relationships are indication of what our future holds.

In a very simple definition, there are two kinds of people. One is a fire starter and the other is a fire extinguisher. If we want to be successful in life, we have to spend bulk of our time with fire starters. These are people who pray for you, provoke you and inspire you to rise higher. Typically, they don’t come waltzing into your life but you have to make a lifelong effort to seek them out. It is easy to find mediocre, complacent people who have little or no input in your personal growth. However, what will really change your life is to hang around with high flyers that are already there where you want to go. When we chose our friends carefully we will discover a better way of life.

Recently I was traveling in a high speed train in China going to our next destination to minister. I had a seat next to my friend who has raised their three children well to serve God and be productive in life. My children are still young and about to choose their career path. I have many questions how to lead them in the right path. Wisdom taught me that I don’t have all the answers to life. When our train got started, I bombarded my friend with many questions. He gave me some valuable tips that I can now apply with my own kids. Not all friendships offer the same benefits. My friend on the train in China shared with me lessons in life that are priceless. After all I can’t afford to make all the mistakes by myself!

In the Bible, Saul started out with a bad reputation. He got gloriously saved when the Lord intercepted his plans and changed Saul into Paul. However, a reputation is hard to change. The people in the Jerusalem Council weren’t so sure of Paul’s new found faith. They were not very friendly towards Paul. After all just a few days ago, he was dragging people to jail and getting them killed. By this time Barnabas was an established minister. He believed in Paul. He spoke up for Paul. He vouched for Paul. Soon the senior ministers accepted Paul as one of their peers and the rest is history. What is interesting is that you won’t read much about Barnabas after Paul burst into the scene. Barnabas found a disciple in Paul and together, they went on to achieve more than what Barnabas and Paul could have done on their own. My friend, choose your friend carefully. You’ll become like the people you hang around with. Together, you can accomplish more.

Over the years, I’ve had scores of friends who believed in me, encouraged me and have contributed to my success. I will be nowhere close to where I am today had it not been for the quality friendships God brought into my life. I’m eternally grateful to my friends!

Jesus himself was very careful to choose His disciples. He picked ordinary people but every one of them had potential beyond their imagination. Jesus chose busy people not lazy people. He knew spreading the Gospel around the world will take a team of hard-working men. Today He’s calling you to be a disciple and fulfill God’s plan on earth. You’re born for such a time as this. There’s a mission that has your name written on it. The mission is to love and honor your spouse, raise Godly children, serve your neighbor and love God with all your heart. Make an impact in your work place with integrity and Kingdom values. You’re born to do great things.

Friend, you cannot do it alone. Henry Ford and Thomas Edison duo went on change the course of history because of their friendship; you too can change your world with the people you chose to hang around with. God has the right people already lined up for you. Reach out to those who know more than you. Ask for help. No one friend knows everything. Seek out friends with strength in different areas of life. They will help you climb the top of your mountains. Most of all, invite the Holy Spirit into your life. One of the names of the Holy Spirit is our Helper. He will lead you into all Truth, wisdom and life. Together, you too will go on to make history.

“The righteous choose their friends carefully” (Proverbs 12:26 NIV).

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