Building People. Spreading Hope.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Go Again

Successful people have a good follow up system. We’re so bombarded with daily appeals; most people are skeptical to respond at first. When we don’t follow up we close the door on what could have been a very profitable venture.

Much of life’s success is follow up. Once I called a church every week for four months before they became a partner with our ministry. No matter what we do if we don’t learn to follow up we’ll miss out on great opportunities. Most people like to put off making decisions. Following up brings people to a place of making a decision.

I heard that 90% of all first time businesses fail and 90% of all second time businesses succeed, but 80% of all first time business owners never try again? What would that 80% of people have done if they had known they were only one follow up away from success?

The Bible says that Elijah was a man just like you and me. Once he proclaimed that it will not rain for three and a half years and it didn’t. (I Kings 18). After the time of drought had passed Elijah pray again. He prayed the first time and then sent his servant to check the weather. No rain. Second time Elijah sent his servant. No rain. Third… and forth time still no rain. This continued for seven times. Finally, the servant came back saying, “I see a cloud in the size of a man’s hand.” That’s all Elijah needed to act. He sent message to the king, “I hear the sound of an abundance of rain.” What would have happened if Elijah stopped at the first, second or the third time? What if he didn’t follow up to check on the weather?

Many times we pray and stand for something for a long time. When nothing appears to happen, we get discouraged and are tempted to give up. What I want to remind us today is God heard your prayers the very first time you prayed. He is orchestrating your answer but there are oppositions in the heavenly realm (read the book of Daniel). The devil wants to steal from you what the Lord wants to get to you. It is not just by faith but with patience we obtain our rewards. Stand firm on your promise and thank the Lord by faith. I hear the sound of abundance of rain coming upon your life!

If you’re seeking a relationship, follow up. If you’re trying to close a business deal, follow up. If you’re trusting God to heal you or for the salvation of a family member don’t give up now. Go again! Call on your previous client and ask for the business. Ask that special someone out to connect. Bring up the big question about salvation to your loved one. Just because people have said no to you in the past, doesn’t mean it was a no forever. In fact, no simply means not right now. People change their minds all the time due to various life circumstances. If you approach the right person at the right time the same people who have denied you in the past will be more than willing to assist you. Go again!

Last week one of my friends was lamenting how she doesn’t get to see her brother very often. Even after repeated phone calls they’ve not been able to get together much. I told her what I’m telling you. Gently follow up with reminders and ask when a good time in the other person’s calendar is? She wrote back to me the next day saying, “Thank you Sandy. I applied your idea. My brother and I are having lunch together next Monday!”

Some of the great ways we can follow up with people is by sending a text. Send a gentle email reminder. Text and emails are non-intrusive ways to remind people because they can look at their calendar at their own time and not have to make an instant decision on the phone. Send a letter by mail or a picture of the great time you had together. In appropriate situation, you can also send flowers, a box of chocolate or cookies. If you’re “in front of people” when you don’t need them, they’ll respond to you more positively when you do need them.

Friend, go again! I hear the sound of abundance of rain in your life. God has more in store in your future. He has the right connection, the right business deal, the right idea and the right resources. Like Elijah and my friend will you follow up with the people the Holy Spirit brings to your attention today? When you do, you’ll see doors of opportunity open wide and your life blossom like never before. I’m praying for you!

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7 NLT).

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