Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ride on God's Favor

Life can be hard at times. Things don’t always go the way we want. When we have God’s anointing or favor in our lives, we can go through a hard thing in an easy way. A mature Christian knows how to operate in favor.

The Bible says God has surrounded us with favor for a lifetime. That means we’re to go around looking for favor. The rules and policies may say one thing but when we operate in favor, we can anticipate special privileges.

God’s favor upon our lives is like a well-oiled machine. The task may look hard but because of God’s favor everything becomes easy. I’ve had favor ever since I was born. My mother died when I was one year old but God had already prepared two other ladies who brought me up in an orphanage. I found favor again when I got admitted to a very prestigious college without much of my own merit. Serving God in the ministry has been an ongoing saga of God’s favor upon my life for the last twenty seven years! I expect preferential treatment every day. The more I expect the more I find favor.

If you want an anointing of ease upon your life, you too must be favor-minded. Most of the time favor is unmerited. It comes as a gift from God. However, there are principles in the Bible that can bring us favor. Proverbs 18:22 says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor.” Love, respect and honor your wife and it will bring you favor. Proverbs 22:29 says, “Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.” When we as Christian becomes top producers in our jobs, we add value to the company and it will bring us favor. Mary the mother of Jesus lived a righteous life and that brought Mary favor from God and had a supernatural birth of our Lord. Favor is out there but you have to go after it. When you seek favor, you’ll find it.

When you’ve found favor, be grateful and ride the favor as long as you can. God sends special people in our lives to believe in us, give us strength, support and confidence we need. People we have favor with today may not feel the same way about us tomorrow. Therefore, it is imperative that you ride the favor as long as possible. Recognize and be thankful for God’s favor in your life.

A great mistake we often make is to continue to seek favor when it’s gone. I’ve had many instances when people have shown me great favor and then as suddenly as they came into my life they’re gone. I’d call, invite them to lunch, want to go and visit them but no response. Suddenly they seem to ignore me. Here’s what I’ve learned:  God’s favor is for a lifetime but it’s not always through the same people. When favor is gone don’t keep trying to win that person back. Don’t spend endless hours trying to figure out what you did wrong to fall out of favor. Be grateful and move on.

When a season of favor ends, don’t become sour and bitter toward the person. Instead, remember the favor. Don’t have a chip on your shoulder and develop a negative attitude. Be thankful to God and show gratitude towards the person. Talk about how the person helped you in the past to bring you to your current fortune. Keep a running record of happy memory instead of negative ones. When we meditate on the goodness of God we will draw in the favor of God.

Friend, God has all sorts of favor lined up for you. Release favor upon your life and experience preferential treatment. Call in favor in every day situation. Get up every morning and say, “I’m blessed and highly favored.” Ask for God’s favor in small and big things. Ride the favor as long as you can. Don’t frustrate yourself trying to win people’s favor once it is gone. When one season of favor ends; expect God to bring you to another. Remember the people who have shown you favor in the past. Instead of criticizing, brag on them for their contribution to your current success. Keep looking for favor every day and you’ll find them. Rejoice, you’re highly favored; the Lord is with you!

“For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime” (Psalm 30:5 NIV).

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