Much of life’s
success is our desire to get what we want and be what we want to be. While we
should not be driven by fame, prosperity and vain glory, we should always have
a passion for life. When we lose our purpose, we begin to die.
Many people today
are going through the motion. Like a robot they get up, get dressed and rush to
their work place. They live for the weekends and life’s never exciting for
them. They eat the bread of complacency and idleness in their spare time. They’re
breathing but there’s no life, purpose, excitement or zeal in them.
Yesterday, I was
in Target with my daughter Cassandra.
We came across an associate who was working very diligently. She had a big
smile on her face and every time we passed by her, she radiated positive
energy. When we went to the checkout counter the same young lady was there.
Again, she was very friendly, energetic and had a smile on her face. My
daughter noted immediately and said, “Wow!
She’s friendly and excited about her work!” I said, “Yes, she’s going to go places in life.”
When we’re at our
job or business, we must have the same enthusiasm and zeal for our work. This
is where many Christians are failing. We’re great in church but we act like we’re
serving the devil on Monday through Friday. This attitude affects our
performance. It devalues what we’re capable of doing in the marketplace. On the
contrary, when we’re hungry and passionate about doing our best in the
marketplace we draw in God’s favor and continue to rise to the top. The higher
we go the more influence we’ll have. The more influence we have the better
witness we can be for our Lord at our work. Being a passionate worshiper in
Church is great but when we’re on top of our game at work, we’re being a
witness for our Lord among the non-believers. Let’s get hungry and up our game
to please the Lord at our workplace.
Daniel in the
Bible was in a foreign land. He worked among the heathen people. Daniel and his
friends had excellent work ethic. This brought great favor to Daniel. As a
result “God had brought Daniel into the
favor and goodwill of the chief” (Daniel 1:9). Daniel had a gift of
interpreting dreams just like you have a gift from God. When the decree went
out to kill all the wise men of the country, Daniel interpreted the king’s
dream. “Then the king promoted Daniel and
gave him many great gifts; and he made him ruler over the whole province of
Babylon, and chief administrator over all the wise men of Babylon” (Daniel
2:48). In modern times, you can say, “all
the employees were threatened to be sacked from their job. But when they saw
Daniel’s excellence and performance at work, he was spared and promoted to be
the manager of the whole department!” Friend, you’ll not be at your current position
forever. Blossom where you’re planted and
your promotion will come sooner than you think. You’re the light of the world in the marketplace. Shine don’t whine!
I heard about a
world famous cellist in his eighties. He practiced five-six hours every day. When
a reporter asked him why he still practiced every day, the famous artist said, “I think I’m getting better at it!” What
would happen if we as Christian would rise up and perform better every day? I
believe just like king Nebuchadnezzar, we’ll have company presidents running to
us offering us promotion, more control and influence at our work place. Let us
remember, we don’t work unto people, we work unto our Lord. Our job is our ministry! Let’s become the
best representation of God in the marketplace. You’re not only there for a
paycheck you’re preaching a sermon with your life. What people see in you is
what people believe about your God.
Let me proclaim a
blessing over you today. “You’re smart.
You’re intelligent. You’re creative. You’re disciplined. You are surrounded by favor.
You are in the right place at the right time. You are the solution and not the problem.
You have keen insight and nifty inventions. You save your company from waste
and you add to the company’s bottom line profit. You provide a vital service; you
cannot be replaced but only be promoted to a higher position.” Stay hungry.
Promotion comes from the Lord.
In everything I did, I showed you
that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the
Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' (Acts 20:35 NIV)
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