Words are powerful
carrier of the expression of our hearts. Words can build or words can kill. It’s
not only what we say but how and when we say things can make or break a person.
Our words have eternal impact.
Loving words keep
a family together. Having a family is like running a bus station. People are
going in all different directions. When we take time to sit down and talk
together as a family, we’re adding value to each other. Most of our
conversation can be mundane. If we want to see our family to thrive then we
have to speak positive words of affirmation to each other. Some of us are good
with words, it comes naturally but others of us have to grow in this area. People
are not mind-readers. We can be very thankful and appreciative of our family
but unless we verbalize our feelings, they’ll never know. We have to tell our
loved ones, “I love you. I appreciate what you do for our family. I couldn’t
have married a better person than you!” Some of my friends are excellent at
this. Throughout the day they send messages to their spouse even on Facebook,
expressing their love for each other. Thumbs up!
Our children are a
product of many things. One of the most powerful influences that shape them positively
for life is our words of approval and affirmation. As parents we have to give
them many directives, repeatedly if you have teenagers like mine. One of the
things I always make sure is that my expression of love, like, appreciation and
approval of them supersedes any other conversation every day. Every time they
finish a chore, I try to acknowledge and thank them. We say, “I love you” to
each other all day long. They are growing up knowing that the underlying
current in our household is one of love, respect, honor and appreciation. We
must discipline, correct and set boundaries but let’s not bring them down with words
of condemnation and criticism. Instead of harping on them what else they’re not
doing right let us shower our children with positive words of approval and encouragement.
Catch them doing something right and go on bragging about it. Children, like
adults have the tendency to live up to or down to what they hear. Speak highly
about your children – both at home and in public.
I go to a certain
store to send money to our missionaries in the field every month. At the
customer service sits a lady who is extremely rude. Once I had to call in the
manager on her. Every time I went there it was like pulling teeth out. I have
no idea why a grumpy person like her is stationed at the customer service. Her
service or dis-service bothered me for months but then I changed my tactics. I
began to greet her even when she didn’t greet me back. I began to appreciate her
for dealing with all the difficult customers. I started vocalizing (by faith) what
an amazing job she does! Slowly but surely, her attitude began to change. She
started acknowledging me. She’s still a grump but my words are starting to take
an effect on her. When you’re dealing with a difficult boss or at the grocery
store or in traffic, bless them. I tell people at my bank or post office that I’m
praying for them and I do – sometimes right there standing at the counter! Speak
your mind and appreciate them for something – anything and you’ll see how they
One of the most
powerful things we can do with our words is to share the Good News of Jesus with
people we meet. We assume they know but they don’t. When you speak hope,
healing and salvation to them, they too will become followers of Jesus. This is
why I’m leaving the comfort of my home, family and luxury of America today to
go back to the poverty, filth and masses of hopeless people in India and Nepal.
My daughter Sabrina (14) and I are going to speak our minds about the love of
God to over 5,000 lives. Will you pray for us? When you partner with us, you
become a soul-winner. Our acts of service become expression of your love for our
Friend, let’s speak
our minds. Tell your spouse how much you love them. Speak healing words of
encouragement to those going through grief and tough times. Approve and admire
your children more than you admonish them. Spread a little love and encouragement
at work. Our words are more forceful than nuclear bombs. It can kill or heal a
soul. Let’s use our words to impact eternity. I’m going to miss you these next
few weeks. Know that you’re approved, loved and appreciated. I love you!
“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a
harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1 NIV).