Building People. Spreading Hope.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dignity of Labor

Work has been a part of man’s life since the beginning of creation. God gave Adam a garden to care for. He made Eve to improve Adam! If we’re to live a balanced life, it is important for us to have the right attitude towards work.
John D. Rockefeller was a businessman and philanthropist. He said, “I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.” America is one of the greatest countries in the world to provide opportunity and reward work excellence. Yet there are more people today who are going on social welfare simply because they don’t want to work.

My friend Ben came to this country with seventy dollars in his pocket. He understood the value of work and opportunity. He worked through several menial jobs but today has three thriving restaurants in Colorado, serving Himalayan cuisines. He employs over fifty local college students and hires chefs from Nepal. His family supports our ministry sending destitute children to school.
God’s Word provides instructions on work and ethics. One of my favorite verses is, “If a man should not work, he shouldn’t eat.” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). It is God’s will for us to work. One mistake people often make is to wait for a perfect job. While it’s good to pray, believe and search for the job of your dream, it is better to start with the best job you can get and work your way to the top. Don’t worry about promotion and the time it takes to get to the top, just be your best at what you have. The cream always rises to the top.

If you’re an employee, work as unto the Lord. Your work-life is a daily sermon to your co-workers. If you’re coming to work on time, putting in a full day’s work, reliable, kind, team player and productive soon they’ll begin to question about your God. You’re setting a God-standard at work when you don’t gossip or talk down on the management. When you’re practicing your Sunday values at work, you’re being a witness for Christ. Your example will draw men and women to the Lord.
Employers, be fair to your co-workers. Recently I was visiting with my friend Ms. Joyce. She works for some other friends of mine in an insurance business. I was having dinner at her home with her children and grandchildren. When the subject of work came up, Ms. Joyce couldn’t say enough nice things about her employers and her office. She kept bragging on the kindness of her boss and the flexibility they offer. The owners go out of their way to treat their employees with great love, respect and honor. Is there any wonder that the company is doing well in spite of the economy! We have workers in our ministry who have been with us fifteen, twenty years because they feel the love and care we provide for them and their families.

A very important part of life is to have balance. I know many friends who are workaholics. All their conversations and social life revolves around work. This is not healthy. People at work are too stressed out today. If you make God your Provider, you’ll be less stressed and more productive. Don’t be a lion at work and come home to give the leftover (time, effort and energy) to your family. Don’t miss out on the best part of life. Once a week, keep a day reserved for your family. Don’t take business calls, emails or do other work activity. When your family sees you value your family, spend time with them and keep healthy boundaries then they will love, respect and honor you more.
“If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need” (Ephesians 4:28 NLT).
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