Building People. Spreading Hope.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Don’t Lose Your Brand

Brand is the name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's product distinct from those of other sellers. When we think about a brand, it stands out in our mind from the masses. Our brand is our identity.

Airplanes are made to fly. Ships sail and cars drive. No matter how big, fancy and powerful they are its useless unless they perform to do what they’re made for. People spend millions trying to secure their brand. What is your brand? What do people think of when they think about you?

When people think of me I want them to think of two things – inspiration and world missions. I do a lot of things but empowering people with the Word of God and bringing the Gospel to the nations are the focus of my life. Being in the ministry, kind people offer me all sorts of opportunities because they’re trying to help our organization. I appreciate their offer but kindly I have to turn them down. I’ve learnt this principle in life: every opportunity is not for me. I must be true to the vision God gave me and that is inspiration and world missions.

If we’re to be successful in life, we have to find and cultivate our brand. In order to be effective, you cannot be a master of all. You may do many things but don’t let your brand be so broad that people can’t think of one thing that you stand for. People and businesses that thrive are those who understand and cultivate their brand.

U2 is my favorite band in the world. I love their music. I’ve been a fan of this Irish band since they became famous with their hit “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.” After thirty years, they’re still writing outstanding music and fans like me are following them. If you didn’t know, U2’s front man Bono does a lot of humanitarian work, especially in Africa. He’s also a political activist. He challenges rich nations to forgive foreign debts of the poor countries. They do a lot of inspiring things but their staple is still churning good music. That is the number one reason why they’re still in business and thriving. What’s your brand? What brings out the best in you?

I find people who have great ideas and vision but they never take the time to hone down their trade. They offer multiple services and lack laser focus in their vision. It’s okay to have multiple source of income but don’t juggle two or three businesses until you’re successful at one. You only have a limited energy and resources every day. Everything you do takes your time, effort and energy. If you’re spreading yourself too thin, you won’t have the time to develop anything and you’ll miss out.

When Jesus got started in the ministry, John sent his disciples to check Him out. He wasn’t critical but John wanted to know what Jesus was about? So he replied to the messengers, "Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. (Luke 7:22 NIV). Jesus was saying, “I’m the Savior, Healer and the Deliverer of mankind!”

Friend, what is your brand? Have you strayed from the original vision God gave you? Are your fingers in too many pies? Do the people think of any one thing when they think about you? Are you spread too thin? Every opportunity that comes along your way is NOT for you. Focus on the one thing God has gifted you with. Don’t be a Jack of all trades. Be a master of one thing and all Jacks will gather around you! Whatever you focus on will grow. As you become successful in one thing, you’ll be amazed how every other area of your life will also start to flourish. Stick to your brand. Go back to the basics. Do what you’re best at and you’ll rise to the top. Don’t lose your brand! I’m praying for you.

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14 ESV).

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