Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Claim Your Benefit Package

I know some people who go to work just for the perks and benefits they get from their job. They don’t mind putting time, effort and energy because they know that they can draw from the benefits that await them.

Many Christians go through life without ever claiming their “benefit package” from God. When we become followers of Christ, we don’t have to struggle through life, living on crumbs. God has promised to provide all sorts of benefits for those who love God and bless His name – that’s YOU!

Today, we’ll look at a handful of benefits God offers to His children. Unlike the worldly benefits that are fleeting away more and more, God’s benefits are ever so strong and we can always depend on them.

In Psalm 103 King David reminds us not to forget our benefit package. The first benefit is to have our sins forgiven. Millions of Christians do not understand the depth of God’s unfathomable mercy. Many believers keep begging God to forgive them for sin #819, committed in 1973! In reality, God forgives us the very first time we repent and ask for His mercy. The biggest button on God’s computer is the delete button. When God’s hits the delete button, our sins are not just covered but they’re blotted out. His mercy and forgiveness eradicate our sins. Let’s bless His name for exterminating our sins forever.

A major benefit Jesus offers to His followers is health and healing. The Bible says, Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted(Isaiah 53:4). Notice, it doesn’t say, we’re going to, maybe or hope one day. It says we were healed. Past tense! It is by faith, we receive our healing. No matter how long or what sickness you’re dealing with, Christ has already paid the price for our sickness. Many Christians believe that God stopped doing miracles of healing today. On the contrary, there has never been more healing in history than there are today. It is the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus still heals when doctors and medical science have given up. Health and healing from our God is far superior to any healthcare package our government can provide. If you’re sick, claim your healthcare benefits!

The third in the benefit package is redemption from destruction. That includes body, mind, spirit and soul. Many today are trapped in destructive behaviors. Alcohol, addictions, sex, drugs and violence are enemy’s traps to keep us bound. Jesus said, “The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10 NIV). The Scripture says, “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work” (I John 3:8). Friend, if you’re struggling with a bad habit, addiction or a vice, claim your benefit package today. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God is not mad at you; He is madly in love with you. He wants to give you a brand new heart and a brand new start today. He redeems us from destruction!

Last but not the least on our discussion is God’s goodness. He has promised to satisfy our mouth with good things and with loving kindness and tender mercies. That means God will not only give us what we work for but He will also bless us with what we do not deserve. He will provide for our every need. He cares about the smallest details of our lives. He wants to prove Himself as a loving Father who knows how to take good care of His children. God’s “benefit package” covers it all!

Friend, don’t get God mixed up with the devil. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy; God gives us abundant life. Claim your benefit package today. The premium has been paid in full now is the time to cash it in. Bless the Lord, O my souls, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. His benefit package has you covered!

“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15 KJV).

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