Building People. Spreading Hope.

Monday, September 16, 2013

God Is Speeding Things Up

We all know the laws of nature. You plant a seed, water and nurture it and in the process of time you reap a harvest. God also has rules and laws but there are times when He loves to speed up things in our favor.

You may be in a place in life where everything has gone flat. Nothing seems to be working. Your health is not well. You still can’t find a job. The promotion you’ve been waiting for is taking forever. No matter what your circumstances may look like, today I want to remind you that God is speeding things up. Your health is about to spring forth. Your biggest sales commission is about to come in. God is breathing His favor into your strained relationship.

Our God is a miracle working God. He is not limited by natural laws. Once, the Israelites were fighting against the Amorites at Gibeon. It was an intense battle. Joshua the leader of Israel prayed that the sun will stand still and it didn’t move for almost a day until the nation took vengeance on their armies. (Joshua 10). Now modern science is confirming that they’ve found the missing day from what God did in the Bible. Friend, God is not limited by laws of nature. He doesn’t always calculate two plus two equals four. He can go from 2, 4, 8, 16 to 160, 420 and any number He pleases. God knows how to speed things up in your favor.

Chandni was demon possessed for years. She had suffered much and spent all their possessions on doctors and hospital bills. As there are many in the villages of India, Chandni’s husband was a witchdoctor but he couldn’t even heal her. Just about that time our Bible School students began to evangelize her village. She came to the first meeting. As the students preached, her faith began to grow. She accepted Jesus in her heart. Every week she attended our worship meetings. This continued for six months and then one day Chandni was completely set free. As a result, her whole family including 124 others came to know the Lord. Chandni’s son is the pastor now and last April I had the privilege of ministering in their village! Friend, God is no respecter of person. What He did for Chandni, He will do for you. No matter how long it has been, He is going to speed up your healing and deliverance.

God anointed David when he was only seventeen years old. Yet it took him years to see a breakthrough in his life. David didn’t get discouraged; he used that time to write songs and psalms that we read today. One day he met the giant of his life named Goliath. The whole Israeli army was scared to death but God gave David supernatural favor to kill Goliath. The very challenge that looked like a mountain against him became his trump card of victory. Could it be that the problem you’re facing today is your stepping stone for something great? Our God knows how to speed up things. He sees your tears, obedience and faithfulness. He will not forget you. He’s poised to reward you beyond your wildest dreams.

Friend, our God is supernatural. He’s anything but ordinary. When you’re down to nothing, He’s up to something. He is working the most when nothing seems to be working. He knows what you need and how to get it to you. If He can make the sun stand still for a day, He can cause your problems go away. If He can deliver Chandni from demon spirits, He can set you free from your struggles. If God can use an adversary to set David up as a king then He knows how to promote you in front of your enemies. God is stepping on the gas. Your healing has been dispatched. Peace and joy are yours. God is fighting your battle. You’ll win the legal challenge. Your children will be saved and they’ll serve God. Hope in God. God is speeding things up. Your victory is closer than you think!

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” (Philippians 1:6 NLT).

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