Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

In the scope of life, most of our daily trials are trivial matters. It is amazing how the most insignificant things in life trip us up! If we’re to lead a peaceful, productive, enjoyable life, we’ve got to handle the “small stuff” right.

There was a time when I used to get so sucked up in the small stuff. I was a petty thinker. I used to be controlling. I meddled in other people’s business. I was trying to fix the world while my own world was crumbling down. It’s almost embarrassing to think of myself that way. Thank God for His grace and mercy. I’m a living proof that it works! I may not be where I need to be but I’ve come a long way. When we disengage ourselves from the small cares of the world, we will have time, effort and energy to focus on building life.

Every day, before we wake up, God gives us a measure of energy and grace to deal with that day. If don’t use our resources wisely we’re going to lack when we need it the most. We cannot allow the small things in life dictate us and rule over our emotions.

At home, how many wars are fought over small issues? I’ve learned it is better to have peace than to be right. If the groceries need to be put away don’t shout for help; just do it. If the keys are missing on a regular basis – help out your spouse by assigning a specific place for it. If the drawers are left open – just close them. If office supplies are not returned in its perfect spot – go get it yourself. If the dirty socks are lying on the ground – just pick up the stinking socks. If someone is leaving the lights on or the faucet running and you’re trying to save money – turn it off or just leave it on! Ten dollars extra per month is well worth keeping peace in your family. You may think this is going to ruin you because others in your family are not cooperating but in reality you’re setting an example. You speak more by your action than your lecture. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

When you’re sitting in traffic and it’s moving at five miles an hour, don’t get all impatient. I used to have a bad habit of honking at people whenever others honked at me for not moving immediately at the green light. Then when they’d pass me I’d give them a stern stare! One day the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart in a small voice, “How long are you going to allow strangers to control your life?” I asked God to change me. I asked my children to hold me accountable. After about six months of practice, I become cool as a cucumber. I have nothing to prove. Nothing in traffic brothers me anymore. Instead of saying, “I hate traffic” now I proclaim, “I love traffic!” Try it sometime reverse psychology works! Seriously, when we ask God for help, He will come to our aid. One more thing relating to driving: if you’re not on the driver’s seat, don’t tell how to drive. He/She’s got a driver’s license. Let the driver do the driving!

At work, when you’re not included in an office meeting, it is easy to feel less important. When you’re robbed off of your commission or promotion, you feel angry. When you come early and leave late to show our loyalty to company and still get chewed up for something small, you have to be the bigger person and let it go. The more you overlook an offense the more peace you’ll have. I’m not asking you to be an ostrich and put your head in the sand. Be aware but let God do His thing. He knows how to turn the table on your opponents and in your favor.

Today, my challenge for us is not to sweat the small stuff. Details are important. But if it creates conflict and brings division, let it be. God can change people’s heart faster than you blink. When we remain calm and follow peace, we’re in control. Don’t let a phone call or an email ruin your day. Give your kids a break. Be understanding to your spouse. Do a kind deed without taking credit for it. You’re here for a much bigger purpose. Don’t let the small foxes destroy your vineyard. I pray and declare that you’re secure, confident, bold, forgiving, disciplined, patient and compassionate. Your destiny is too big to fall for a small trap of the enemy. You have the mind of Christ. Give up the low life so that God can take you higher.

“It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife, but every fool will be quarreling” (Proverbs 20:3 ESV).

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