Building People. Spreading Hope.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

7 Secrets of Happiness

I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t want to be happy. Happiness is a basic human need. It’s a feeling that brings us joy, fulfillment and ecstasy. Happiness shouldn’t be our goal but it’s a byproduct of our thoughts, words and action.

Most people make the mistake of thinking that happiness is conditioned to external things. Some people think happiness is found in things and people. But happiness is an internal attitude. Today we’ll discuss seven secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life.

Happiness rule #1. You’re perfect! You’re made in the image of God. You have God’s DNA in you. Your behavior may need to catch up to your God-class status but never forget who you are. If you’re a Christian, you’re a child of God. He never manufactures junk. You’re smart. Good looking. Attractive. Disciplined. Funny. Creative and much more. Accept and embrace who you are.

Happiness rule #2. Dwell on positive thoughts. Your life will follow your thoughts. Bad things happen to good people. You don’t have to psyche yourself up to think negatively. They come automatically. Train yourself to look at the good in everything, and you’ll have a continual feast. A grateful heart does not have room for negative thinking.

Happiness rule #3. Get up quickly. The Bible says, a righteous man may fall seven times but he will rise up again. We all have weaknesses. We all make mistakes. The best thing we can do with our wrongs is to repent and learn from them. When we learn to pick ourselves us quickly after a disappointment, we’ll find happiness again.

Happiness rule #4. Find the best in people. Let’s face it. Most of our disappointment and discouragement come from people letting us down. Sometimes these people are the closest to our hearts. I’ve found that most people have something good in them that deserved to be recognized and celebrated. Let’s focus on the 80% good in people and overlook the 20% not so good. When we focus on the good, we’ll bring out the best in people.

Happiness rule #5. Forgive quickly. Forgiveness is a big idea. God invented it to redeem us from our sins. Without God’s forgiveness we’re all bound for eternal damnation called hell. When we forgive people and let go of the offense, we’re in God-class. When you forgive, you set a prisoner free – that prisoner is you! Let’s learn to forgive quickly because we need to be forgiven every day.

Happiness rule #6. Celebrate today! It took your whole life to get to today. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not promised. Today is a gift! Don’t live in the regrets of yesterday. The Bible teaches not to be over-ambitious about tomorrow. Celebrate the “small” things in life because one day you’ll realize they were the “big” things. Laugh often, love outrageously and give extravagantly. Every day, tell your loved ones how much they mean to you!

Happiness rule #7. Give more than you receive. The greatest joy in life is in our giving. No man is awarded for what he takes but what he gives. Winston Churhill said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” When we deliver more than expected we’re setting ourselves up for happiness. Share your time, talent and treasure. For God so loved the world that He gave… If you want to be like God – give!

As you can see, there’s no deep secret to happiness for our lives. It’s you who holds the key to your own happiness. When we surrender ourselves to God’s will and live to bless others we will find the ultimate fulfillment in life.

“How happy is the man who has put his trust in the LORD” (Psalm 40:4 Holman).

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