Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, July 12, 2013

A New Season of Increase

Most of us do not like change. It is not comfortable. We approach change negatively. But if there’s one thing constant about life - it’s change. Nothing remains the same. If we do not learn to handle change, we’ll live a very frustrated life.

One of the reasons people don’t like changes is because it forces them to adjust. It is out of our comfort zone. When we’re faced with a new situation, we’re required to re-arrange our priorities. Successful people in life have learnt to adopt to change and quickly embrace the new mandate.

Most of us come from a mindset that change is going to hold back from the comfort we’re used to but just the opposite is true. For believers in Christ, nothing happens to us, everything happens for us. When we encounter a situation that looks like a setback we can rejoice and see God turn it into a setup. Our attitude toward change can make us bitter or better.

During World War II, Marie worked at a delicatessen. Her humble job was to bake pies for the customers. It was a daily struggle to make ends meet. But Marie kept being faithful and open to what God had in store for her. Soon her pies became so popular that customers started to come into the eatery just for Marie’s pies. Considering the popularity, Marie took a bold step by selling her family’s new car to finance her new business. Four years later, Marie opened her first pie shop in Orange County, CA. She went from selling ten pies a day to baking a thousand pies a day. Within a few years, Marie Callender Restaurant had expanded to 110 eateries on the west coast.

Some of you my friends are struggling right now for a breakthrough. You feel like all you do is “bake pies.” You’re kind of stuck. Today I’m here to tell you, “Don’t throw in the towel yet. It’s not over until it’s over. God sees your faithfulness. He will reward you for honoring Him by being your best at home, work and expanding His Kingdom.” You’re not in the shadow hidden from God. In fact, Jesus is interceding for you. You have a personal representation in heaven! You cannot mess up. You cannot go under. God is on your side. You just have to make sure that you’re on God’s side.

A new season of increase is coming but you have to have the right attitude. If you’re in a corporate job, don’t waste your time trying to “fix” them. Do your best at what God has given to you. Be the agent of change. Come to work on time, kill the gossip, and uphold the company values. When you serve your boss with a positive and humble attitude, God will make sure that one day you’ll have his/her job. If you’re managing others and they’re giving you a hard time, keep your cool and serve them anyways. The day is coming when you will own the company. God is breathing His favor in your direction my friend but you have to position yourself to qualify for the promotion. A new season of increase is coming your way.

You ask, “Sandy, this all sounds good but when do I get my big breakthrough?” I don’t know but here’s the key. You cannot be in control of the harvest but you can determine how much seeds you want to plant. When we plant seeds of love, sacrifice, and giving, God himself will make sure to bring us the harvest. Don’t get caught up in when it’s going to happen. Keep planting seeds and your harvest will find you. God’s delivery van is parked outside your door. Get ready for your increase!

Friend, stay faithful. Be hopeful. Pray and trust God to open new doors. In the meantime do your job well. Don’t give into discouragement and defeat. A new season of increasing is coming. Are you ready to make room for it? I know you are and I’m proud of you!

“The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you” (Deuteronomy 28:8 NIV).

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