Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Invest in God's Kingdom

We all work hard in hopes for a better life on earth. There’s nothing wrong with working hard, saving and living a good life or to leave an inheritance for our children. But if we ignore investing in God’s Kingdom, we’re building a house on the sand.

The Bible teaches us that what we see is temporal. None of us are guaranteed another day on this earth. What we do with our resources today will greatly affect our eternal future. We cannot take anything with us. Only what we invest in God’s Kingdom will remain forever.

Today, my goal is to shed an eternal perspective into our lives. Invincible as we think, we’re all heading toward eternity. As wise people of God, we must look at our eternal investment portfolio.

Jesus instructed us not to gather riches on earth. He taught us to live on earth with eternal perspective. There are great benefits to living with a generous heart. We have many partners who come up with creative ideas to give to God’s work. On the fourth of July, one of our friends sold hotdogs and hamburgers all day to donate to our Bibles for China Project upcoming trip middle of this month. That was a great sacrifice! Another friend shared about this project with his friend and she bought almost two hundred Bibles from the proceeds of her oil and gas investment. Another friend’s ten-year-old daughter handed me a $1 bill with a million dollars smile on her face!

Sometimes people think that God only needs our money. We can invest in other ways. I have a friend who had been involved in corporate business all her life. Recently she retired and now she’s volunteering part of her time with us to impact lives in Asia. I have another friend who is a high-flying business woman. She is a marketing consultant. She gave us some excellent advice to take our ministry to the next level – free of charge! There are many ways we can invest in God’s Kingdom.

A great way you can impact the Kingdom of God is to pray for the harvest. Prayer is a mighty weapon. Jesus said, the harvest is ready but laborers are few. Pray therefore… When we pray, God’s harvesters like Build International and many others will find ways to win souls for the Kingdom. When we pray, God’s people have peace and safety to disciple new Christians and plant churches in closed countries where we mostly work. When we invest our time praying, we will initiate great revivals.

Another good reason to invest in God’s Kingdom is to be blessed by God. The scripture says when we give, God will replenish us with a hundred fold! (Mark 10:29-30). That’s good returns. This is what happened to one of my friends. In 2008, they’re ready to close their business. They’re in auto industry – one of the worst hit sectors in the economic crisis. Just about that time I was able to introduce world missions to them. He was completely unaware of the persecution and difficulties of our brothers and sisters on the mission field. Immediately he pledged to invest in the lives of the suffering people. Their investment continued to grow by the year. Recently he told me that their business is worth more than 14 million dollars! Friend you cannot out-give God. When we take interest in our Father’s business, He will bless ours. I’m not advocating giving so that you can get back. Getting back is the law of sowing and reaping. Give because you love God, His people and His Kingdom. When you’re investing in God’s Kingdom, you’re accumulating treasures in heaven.

Middle of this month, we’re going back to China to train thousands of pastors and leaders. There’s a revival going on in China. Often two hundred believers share one Bible that costs only $3 each. Our goal is to put at least 5,000 Bibles in the hands of the leaders for their congregations. Will you please pray, give and share this project with your friends and family? Together, we can impact eternity! Thank you for your partnership. We’re praying that God’s blessings will chase you down. We love you and we need you!

“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19-20 NLT).

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