Many people today are not satisfied
with where they are. We want more victory, more power, better health, jobs,
peace, joy and fulfillment in life. It is not bad to desire for more. In fact,
the more we have, the more we can give away.
When we feel stuck in our business,
personal life and family one of the things we can do is to prophesy our future.
Our words have same creative force that God has when we speak His Word over our
situation. When we proclaim God’s Word over
our situation, we release the supernatural power of God to work in our
situation. The Bible says that the Word of God is a two edged sword. It
cuts through the problems we’re facing so that God can establish His plan for
our lives.
Many Christians believe that if God
wants to bless them He knows what we need and how to get it to us. That is
true. But God is also waiting to see how much we trust Him. Just like earthly
fathers like to be asked by his children, God likes it when we cast our
confidence in Him. He said, “Ask and you
shall receive.” No ask no get!
have to take action but before we act, we must speak faith-filled words.
We all know the story of David and Goliath. In the natural, David was no match
for Goliath. The odds were too high against him. Today, you may be facing a
similar situation in your marriage, business, children or health. The reports
are stacked against you. Be of good cheer. It’s not over yet. God is fighting
your battle for you. But you have to prophesy your future. Before David ever
confronted Goliath, he spoke victory words out of his mouth. He said that he
was going to cut off Goliath’s head and feed it to the birds and wild beasts. (I
Samuel 17:46). David demised Goliath just as he had proclaimed ahead of the
There’s a great principle in this
famous story. If you want to overcome your mountain, you have to speak to it.
Tell cancer, it must go. Thank God for the job you’re looking for. Command your
children (in prayer) to return to the Lord. Give God praise for giving you favor
over that contract you’re waiting for. Speak to your financial situation to
turn around. Friend, you can speak your way into victory. Anyone can thank God
for something after they’ve received the promise. Faith is to thank God for the victory tomorrow while you’re still in
today! When we release, faith-filled words from our mouth, we will see
victory. All professional coaches use this secret to motivate their players. You have to create a mental picture of victory
before you ever get there. Stop
talking about how things are and declare how you want things to be!
Years ago, I was caught by secret
police for preaching the Gospel in a forbidden country. I was young and
learning the principle of speaking God’s Word over my life. I was so excited
and spoke over every obstacle that came my way. Looking back, I was a little
off balance but my heart was right. Before we ever reached the district magistrate
(which was a three-hour walk) I kept declaring our freedom. I was scared but I
spoke under my breath and out loud how God was going to deliver me and my
disciple who was younger than me and had already spent two years in the same jail
for preaching the Gospel. Our offense carried a sentence of up to six years in
a horrific jail. When we finally met the magistrate, he scolded the secret agent
who arrested us and let us go free! When we got out of the prison courtyard we
ran so hard that we could’ve easily won the hundred meters Olympics medal!
Seriously, that day I learned a valuable lesson. I learned that we have to proclaim God’s Word before we can
possess our victory. Job said, you
shall decree a thing and it shall be established. (Job 22:28).
“Jesus replied, "Truly I tell you,
if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the
fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the
sea,' and it will be done” (Matthew 21:21 NIV).
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