Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fight for Your Beans

Are you tired of fighting and feel like giving up? Are you in a place of long drawn out battle? Have you stood in faith for a long time and see no result? If you feel this way, you’re not alone. Life is a fight and we’re in it by default.
Before you give out a sigh let me tell you this, we’re in a fixed fight. We win. We have to put on our gears and show up at the rink of life but the match has already been won. No matter what our circumstances are God has already won the victory. You say, “Oh yea, so why are we suffering here on earth?” There could be varieties of reasons and I feel bad for your lack of fortune but God has already made a provision for our situation long before it ever became a problem. Everything facing you today is subject to change.
Among David's mighty men were highly trained soldiers who fought in his victories. Among these men were three who served as David's personal bodyguards. These men and their exploits are described in 2 Samuel 23. One of these men was Shammah.
The Bible tells us that the Philistines attacked the people of God. When the enemy came, Israeli soldiers ran away - all except Shammah! He took his stand in the middle of the field and defended his beans. The Lord brought about a great victory because Shammah didn’t cower down and had the courage to fight for what was his.
Anything of value in life will come under attack and you’ll have to fight for it. Most people I know are peacemakers. We don’t like conflict. We want to be left alone, living in peace. That is a healthy way to live. However, there also needs to be in each of us a warrior and a resolve to fight. If we don’t have this warrior mentality, we’ll easily roll over and give up our God given rights to the enemy’s threats. While we’re to live in peace, we’re never to let our guards down and allow the enemy to steal our joy, family, finances, health and our wealth. Jesus said, the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy but I have come to give you life and abundance of it. Don’t get our God mixed up with the enemy!
If you want to live in peace, you have to learn to fight. I’m not talking about physical fight but a spiritual fight. The enemy wants to steal from us what God wants to get to us. The spiritual and the natural are in constant fight. But don’t be discouraged. Jesus our big brother has already won the victory. Now you just have to declare victory over your situation with the Word of God.
If you’re sick, you have to declare, “By the stripes of Jesus, I’m healed.” If you’re lacking financially, you have to announce, “My God will supply all my needs according to His riches.” If you’re troubled emotionally, say, “I’m His beloved and He is mine. He understands how I feel. He will never leave me or forsake me.” No matter what battles you may be facing, remember, you’re in a fixed fight. Be bold and very courageous. The enemy is only a roaring lion. Jesus is the Lion of Judah with the bite!
Next time you’re tempted to think this battle is going to take you down, remind the enemy of his defeat on the Cross. The situation may look bad, you maybe outnumbered, the economy may look bad but the good news is God is still on the Throne and He is on your side. He that is for you is much more than he that is against you. Fight for your beans! You’re in it to win it.
“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you” (Luke 10:19 ESV).
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