Building People. Spreading Hope.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Enjoy the Journey

Many people today are living stressed out over things that doesn’t matter in the long run. At the end of your days, you wouldn’t want to finish another project, another day at work or attend to another crisis call. What is truly important in life is your family, loved ones and spiritual progress.

Life is not about getting to a destination. It is about how we enjoy the journey. At times we can be so focused on our destination that we forget the small pleasures of life. It can be a heart to heart conversation with a friend. Watching a football game with the guys or taking time out with your family.

The older I get the more I realize that there is no such thing as the finish line. As soon as we accomplish one goal we have another one coming. This is how life goes. If we’re not careful to enjoy every season of life, we’ll miss out. After much frustration, tears and agony I’ve found a few principles that will ensure that we enjoy our journey.

Learn to enjoy people. Many times, people you love, like or know the most will be the greatest source of your frustration. It doesn’t mean they’re wrong but you must be ready to handle all types of people. God has many kinds. He gave us all a different personality, likes and interests. Nobody is perfect. If we don’t learn to enjoy the good in people, we’ll be frustrated all our lives. Take the good and leave the rest up to God. If you want to enjoy the journey, you will have to enjoy people.

Focus on the main thing. I came home today and “sprayed” my kids because something else was bugging me. Normally I’m very accommodating to my children because they’re the center of my world. They are the main thing. Yet, I let something else steal my peace. I brought strife home. I was irritable and on the edge. I knew better but I lost focus and the kids got “sprayed.” Of course I apologized to them later but by then the damaged had already been done. I had to buy a new book to my son to make myself feel better. I know you don’t do stuff like that but I did. I’m telling you – don’t!

Don’t give away your power. When we live emotionally charged lives, we’re allowing others to control us. Don’t be so easily offended. Let go of a few offense. Look at the bright side of life. Think the best of others. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Have an attitude of gratitude. When we lose our cool over something small like the traffic, long lines or a fault in another, we are setting ourselves up for defeat. The more you let go the more power you’ll have. Jesus said, “He who loses his life (in Him) will find it.” Let it go!

Have humanity. I heard about an executive who got hit by another car. His brand new Porsche had been totaled. Both the drivers were unharmed but the young executive was all over the other driver. In the middle of all the commotion, He hadn’t noticed the little boy standing behind a low wall. When the executive stopped for a breath, they young boy said, “Hey mister, can you help me? My brother has fallen down and I cannot pick him up.” Annoyed, the executive walked over to the side of the road and discovered that the person on a wheelchair had fallen off to the ground. Ashamed of himself, he quickly helped the fallen young man on to his wheelchair and smiled at the little boy. He didn’t have much else to say to the other driver anymore. They simply exchanged insurance information and left. Let me ask you as question. What do you value the most? Peace or strife? Giving or taking? Helping or draining? Adding or subtracting? Will you help a person in need first or will you be selfish?

Friend, slow down and enjoy the journey. There is more to life than work, traffic, retirement and fifteen minutes of fame. When we live intentionally, we’ll find a life of happiness. Let’s enjoy the people God brings in our lives. Focus on what’s important. Keep your power by not allowing people to get to you. Share your humanity. When you do these things right, you’ll enjoy the journey and attract others to travel with you!

“You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14 ISV).

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