Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What Makes a Great Father

The role of a Father is extremely vital in our homes, community and country. Strong men build strong family. Strong family builds strong churches and communities. Strong communities build a strong country. This is why the enemy is fighting so hard to remove the fathers from the place of action so that without the head, the family can easily disintegrate.

None of us can claim to be a perfect father. When your child was born, it didn't come with an owner's manual. Even if it did, you're a man - you wouldn't have read it! Role model of a good father is extremely valuable in our society. You may not have had a good earthly father but our Heavenly Father is always poised to show us how to be a good father. If you want to be a good father, you just have to ask God to show you. Today, let me share with you a few principles to be a great father.

A good father loves and respects his children's mother. When we demonstrate our love and commitment to our spouse, our children grow up secure. No relationship is perfect but it can get better. When a father deposits value and honor into his wife, he's positioning himself for greatness. A good father doesn't criticize his spouse or tears her down with his words. Good fathers treat their women as God does.

A good father is a God-loving man. The Scripture says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Fathers need a lot of wisdom to deal with life and protect his family. We're to go to God with our problems and concerns, and not unload on our wives. God has made you to be the head of the family. That means we have to set an example to serve our family. Don't dump your problems on your spouse. Talk to God and other God-fearing men in your community. Get connected with God and you'll stay connected with your family.

A good father is a man of integrity. In Today's society, integrity has lost its value. Just like salt without its saltiness has no value, so is a man without integrity. Integrity simply means doing the right thing consistently. It means, you are at home the way you are in the marketplace and vice verse. Integrity means to do the right thing even when nobody is watching. A man of integrity is marked and rewarded by God Himself.

A good father is an all round provider. Many families nowadays have double incomes. I'm not telling you how to run your family but the Bible is very clear about the man being the provider for the family. Often we're mistaken to think that to provide means only in the area of finances. But that is not true. A true provider will provide for the body, spirit and soul. We all understand providing for the daily necessities such as food, clothes and shelter. But we men are also charged to be the spiritual leaders at our home. We're also entrusted to provide emotional support for our family members. If you don't support your family emotionally, someone else will!

A good father is a communicator. A father's task is to lead his little battalion through the treacherous path of life to safety and victory. Fathers are ordained to be good leaders. Good leaders must be great communicators. "Yes" or "No" answers may be fine but it will not crown you an excellent father. Develop yourself to be a good communicator. Study, learn, and ask other fathers how they communicate with their family. The success of your family depends on your ability to communicate. Become a student of communication. It will save you from troubles and win you victories.

Friend, if you are a father and missed the mark - be encouraged today! This is not the time to cower and sit on the sideline. Today is the perfect time to make that phone call and mend that relationship. Now is a good time to give our hearts to God and say, "Lord, make me the earthly Dad as you are in heaven!" Our God is a great example. We have no excuses. We can learn from our Heavenly Father. You've got what it takes. Old is gone. This is a new day. Fathers, you can do anything. I believe in you!

"May the blessings of your father surpass the blessings of the ancient mountains, reaching to the heights of the eternal hills" (Genesis 49:26 NLT).

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