Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Your Vision is Your Future

As we stand at the threshold of another new year, most of us are filled with new hope, anticipation and excitement. Some of us cannot wait to see what 2013 has to unveil in our lives. Many of us are making New Year’s resolution in hopes of improving ourselves and doing our due diligence. These are perfectly right things to feel and do.

One thing that will stand out is your vision for yourself. The picture you have of yourself is how your life is going to play out. This is why it is so important that we know and have our vision in focus. The scripture says, “Where there isno vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJB). In other words, if we do not have a firm vision of ourselves and what we want from life, we are bound to fail. New Year’s resolution may carry you through for a month but a vision from God will take you through life.

You are saying, “Sandy, how do I find the vision for my life?” What is it that makes you burn with desire? What makes you dance when no one is watching? What gives you the innermost satisfaction in life? The answers to these are good indication what God has called you to do. Take some time to think and write them down.

The next thing you can do is to make your vision public. There is a level of accountability when you declare your dreams to people in your world. When you make your vision public, you breathe life into your destiny. Your vision may have come from the Lord but He will use people to make your vision a reality.

Last but not the least, ask for God’s help. Jesus said, “Ask, and you will receive” (Matthew 7:7 God’s Word). If your vision is something you can do for yourself, you’re thinking too small. Enlarge your vision to benefit others. When God is your partner, you can achieve anything in life.

This year, make your life count:

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