Building People. Spreading Hope.

Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Increase Your Productivity

Everyone works but not everybody is productive with their time at work. How we plan and spend our time at work will determine if we’re going to be successful or not. Busy-ness looks good on the paper but it doesn’t necessarily deliver the desired results.

How then can we have top notch productivity at work? What can we do to have our own job satisfaction as well as add value to the organization we work for? Let me give you seven ideas that will increase your productivity.

1. Have a daily ‘To Do List.’ Like everything else in life, if we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Having a list helps us direct our time according to the priorities of the day. Don’t try to pack your schedule with activities. Instead, plan your day/week by certain categories. Depending on your profession and job description, some of the common categories can be communication, follow up, sales call, service, meetings and so on. A list and designated time will help you to be focused on the task for the day.

2. Eliminate distraction. Attend to your most important duty first. Many things will come up during the day but stay focused on finishing one job at a time. My own strength is to be with people but I’m also easily distracted by people. At times I’ve to force myself to finish office work before I can be with people again.

3. Schedule passive tasks for the afternoon. Email, internet, social media, correspondence are important activities but they usually do not increase our productivity. Moreover, a negative email earlier during the day can easily offset your mood for the day. Attack your top priorities in the first hours of the day.

4. Meet in person or use phone to connect with people. Nothing is more personal than a face to face meeting. What you can achieve in one personal meeting can equate to ten impersonal communications. Use the phone generously. Your voice is your signature. Smile during the conversation on the phone. People on the other side can “hear” your smile and will be more at ease to assist you.

5. Reach out to your co-workers. When a colleague shows stress or a sign of distress, be available for that person. When you attend to others in spite of your busy schedule, you add value to them. You’ll be amazed what they will do for you in your time of need!

6. Take short breaks. Research shows that our brain uses up more glucose than any other physical activity. This is why taking break every 60-90 minute interval will increase your productivity drastically. Get up from your desk, eat a snack, go for a walk – do something completely different to give your brain a rest and you’ll come back performing better.

7. Involve God at your job. You’re not operating at your highest potential until you engage God at your work place. Say a quick prayer before you make that deal. Ask for wisdom when you’re stuck with a problem. Honor God and have integrity. When you partner with God, you invite His favor and He’ll cause your work to prosper.

“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us” (Psalm 90:17 NIV).

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