Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Equality, Injustice and Our Response

For more than 3,000 years people in our world are fighting for quality and rebelling against injustice. When the Hebrew children rose up against Pharos he could hardly believe that it could be his downfall. But history repeats itself. In spite of dictators and corrupt governments it is proven that the power of the people is stronger than the people in power.

I just returned from a mission trip to India and Nepal. I always come back fired up from these trips. Nowhere can you find social injustice worse than in this region. People live in utter poverty; most of them live under a dollar a day. Children, especially girls do not have an opportunity to set foot in a school. Mothers do not have clean drinking water for their families. Young, able-bodied and smart young people are jobless because no one would hire them because they’re Christ followers. Pastors, Christian leaders and churches are often persecuted, killed and burned by the society.

In light of our Christian faith what should be our response to this grave inequality and injustice? I believe our responsibility should be same as our Master who gave us everything and told us the story of the Good Samaritan. We must get off our own comfort zone, care and share. We’re to be the salt and light to our generation and promote equality and justice. Christianity is not a passive, meek and weak faith to be trampled under but the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. It’s a force to reckon with that has toppled strongholds and revolutionized nations. Realize it or not, you too are a part of the revolution when you became a member of God’s global family. Our brothers and sisters need your help – NOW!

Before you write me off as a fanatic, let me share why this is the best time for you to get involved in bringing hope, equality and justice to our brothers and sisters.

Rebecca (21) is one of our co-workers. Her parents are denied citizenship because they’re Christians. Her family cannot get proper jobs. Her parents wake up at 3 o’ clock every morning to make snacks for the local tea shops that provide a meager earning. Rebecca’s parents cannot send her to school so we have been sponsoring her college education. She is studying to be a media journalist. Just recently, she topped her whole collage of 1,500 students. She’s well on her way to finish college this year with highest honors. Rebecca is a prime example of what can happen if we pause long enough to care, share and invest in our young people who will change our world.

One reason people have stayed disengaged in the past is due to lack of accountability. But with the invention of modern technology and cell phone in almost every hand, corruption and mishandling of resources are becoming harder to hide. Times are changing for the better and for once we have genuine advantage to make an eternal difference.

My challenge to us today is to take action. If we truly believe and obey the Great Commission our Lord left us, we must go from virtual to actual. Opportunities are endless right now to sweep a whole generation into the Kingdom but it all depends on our response. Will you open your hearts, minds and resources to a cause burning deep in our Master’s heart? I know you will because that’s how we will fulfill the enormous task of world evangelization. Join us. Let us make a difference in many others like Rebecca!

“If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD--and he will repay you” (Proverbs 19:17 NLT)!

Change the World with the Message of Hope:

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