Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Believe in People

Yesterday, I was having lunch with a friend when a nineteen year old young lady walked up to our table holding a box in her arms. At first I was a little taken back. Politely I asked, “What do you have in that box?” Immediately she opened it to show us a box full of sun catchers. She started to explain how it was going to benefit some kids. I stopped her and said, “I believe in you. I believe in your cause. If you wait for five minutes to finish up meeting with my friend, I’ll give you some money that’s in my car.” She waited patiently and I was able to bless her with a generous amount for her cause. Then I asked if I could pray for her and right there on the parking lot we prayed for God to bless her. She was ecstatic!

I’m sharing this with you because there is a need for us to believe in people. I find too many people are skeptical. Because of our past experiences, we often build up walls around us. This is a very small way to live – always doubting people, never having the freedom to open up. When we live with doubt we sabotage our own future. Not everyone in the world is out to get you. People who do wrong – change. That’s the power of the Gospel.

I know people from all walks of life who are living a sub-par life because they don’t trust people. They’ve had bad experiences and it has made them to close up like a sow bug. Even when we touch them with a genuine heart they curl up in a ball. You have your right to live this way but you are missing out in life!

A more freeing way to live is to believe in people. My attitude is, “I believe in you. If I’m mistaken, you have to prove me wrong.” This helps me to live an open life – unsuspicious of anyone. I’m not naïve but I’m not skeptical either.

As Christians, we must emulate our Master. I find Jesus believed in people everywhere He went. Even when He knew Judas was going to betray him, He believed in the man. In fact He gave him a chance to prove himself by making him the treasurer. Jesus believed in people and He believes in you.

When we believe in people, we bring out the best in them. Most people struggle in life because they think nobody believes in them. Then they stop believing in themselves. One of the best things we can do for strangers and our loves ones are to let them know that we have confidence in them. When we show our trust in people they will deliver.

Just before our Lord began His public ministry, God our Father boomed these words from heaven, “This is my beloved Son in whom I’m well pleased.” Imagine the Son of God needing to hear these words of affirmation! How much more we need to hear that someone believes in us. Today I want to challenge you to let down your guards. Give people another chance. Give them your genuine validation. You’ll be surprised how people will rise to the level of confidence when you believe in them. When you believe in people God will believe in you. In case you haven’t heard it lately, “I believe in you!” God also says the following about you:

“And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17 NIV).

Change the World with the Message of Hope:

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