Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Staying in Peace

We all have the opportunity to get upset, stressed out and irritable. Storms of life can hit us every once in a while but we don’t have to allow the storm to get in us. When we’re in peace, we’re in a position of power.

The other day I had some concerns in my mind when I allowed the enemy to steal my peace. I got irritable and took it out on my son Daniel. He couldn’t understand why I was so nit-picky about stuff normally I don’t care about. Later I had to apologize to him for allowing things to get out of hand. When we lose our peace, people who are closest to us end up paying the price. This is not a good way live.

Recently I was in India and a gigantic typhoon hit the state right next to where we were. We barely escaped! Everything on its path was rooted out. Millions of people lost their homes and many lost their lives. It is sad that people who have so little to start with can lose so much! A storm can be devastating but in the center of a storm is what is called the “eye of the storm.” In spite of its destructive behavior the eye of the storm is as calm as it can be. In the same way, when our lives are rooted and grounded in God’s Word, we can remain calm in spite of storm all around us.

Jesus was on a boat in the middle of the sea when a great storm arose. The disciples were helter-skelter trying to keep the boat from sinking. When things got out of hand they realized Jesus was in the boat! They woke Him up and complained, “Don’t you care we’re about to die?” How many times we do the same! If they only knew who was in the boat with them! Following God doesn’t mean absence of troubles but it means presence of God in the midst of our storms. Jesus was in tuned with God, He rebuked the storm and everything calmed down. Submit to God and rebuke your storm!

One of the greatest peace stealer in our lives is our finances. When we’re worried monetarily, we can be in great turmoil. Too much or too little of funds can steal our peace. No matter how much or how little finances we have, it will do us good to remember, God owns it all. We’re merely stewards to manage what belongs to God. A barely get by mindset will always steal our peace for not having enough; greed will have the same effect on us. The best way to have peace regarding our finances is to be content with what we have while pursuing to get what we want.

Another area that robs our peace is our relationships. People who are closest to us can be the greatest source of conflict. In these times, it will serve us good to remember that we’re on the same team. Relationships flare up when one or both parties are troubled about something. Seek first to understand before you seek to be understood. When we fight with our loved ones, we’re shooting friendly fires. Don’t let that be you.

Physical illness can be a great source of discouragement. Since our body, soul and spirit are interconnected, it’s easy to lose our peace when we’re not feeling good. This is the time to communicate how we’re feeling. Most of the time, people around us will give us more space if they know that we’re not feeling up to par. A key to getting well is not to dwell on our sickness. We’ll produce whatever we meditate on. You cannot talk sickness all the time and expect to have health. Faith comes by whatever we hear ourselves talk… (Sandy’s version)!

Friend, nothing is more regretful than to live our lives all stressed out, worried, creating havoc in our own lives and those we love. I challenge us all to stress-proof our lives. Before we say anything, let us consider how it affects the other person. Have an abundance mindset. Don’t let your situation dictate your life. Don’t respond to everything ugly you read or hear. Be the big person and don’t repay evil for evil. When you’re in peace, you’re in a position of power.

“Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord” (Hebrew12:14 NLT).

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