Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Living Breakthrough Minded

Discouragement and disappointments are common in life. It’s easy to settle down and accept life the way it is. Not much is required if we want to live a no-significant, mediocre life. However, God wants us to live breakthrough minded.

When we’re going through a down time – a sickness, legal battle, troubled relationship or joblessness, it’s easy to think, “There’s nothing happening for me.” God feels like a million miles away and our circumstances seem to suck the life out of us. Today, I want to encourage you to live breakthrough minded. Expect something to change so drastically that it will impact your whole life.

Once, King David was facing a monumental battle with the Philistine army. They were greatly outnumbered and the odds were high against them. David prayed and asked God to give them victory in an impossible situation. As David and his men went out to fight a huge army, God gave them victory. Later he described, “God has broken through to my enemies like the bursting forth of water.” When they left, David named that place Baal-Perazim, which means, “God of the breakthrough.”

I’ve had many Baal-Perazim experiences in my life. My mother died when I was one year old. When two ladies adopted my brothers and I and took us to an orphanage, it was a Baal-Perazim moment for me. When I got accepted to attend one of the most prestigious colleges, it was a breakthrough moment. When God called me to the nations which have developed into an international ministry, it was a Baal-Perazim moment for me.

However, life doesn’t always go as smooth as we want. Our negative experiences can eclipse our positive encounters with God. Today you may be sitting in a dry spell of your life. You’re still without a job. The house is not selling. No prince charming has come into your life and your bills keep stacking up. Your child is acting up and the sickness is still limiting your life. What to do when nothing seems to be working?

When you feel overwhelmed with problems, lack and difficult circumstances, remind yourself that our Lord is the God of the breakthrough. Like the bursting forth of water or a tsunami, God will sweep every struggle away from you. His flood of blessing will invade your marriage, family, finances, peace and health. His flood of favor will bring you multiple job offers. You will marry the person of your dream. Your children will be mighty in the land. God will put resources in your hand to evangelize the world. You’ll go from barely get by to having more than enough.

Friend, if we need to receive God’s breakthrough, we have to have to live breakthrough-minded. That means you wake up every day expecting God’s goodness to overtake your life. Instead of singing the blues, sing God’s praises for the coming miracles. We have to put on an attitude as if the victory is already here. That is called faith. Faith is to celebrate God’s power to change our current situation while we’re still in that situation. When we’re breakthrough-minded, we’re giving our best to every person we meet and our work. We’re looking our best because you may meet the person of your dream. You’re making plans to serve because God is going to heal your sick body. When God opens the floodgates, it will wash away your sorrow and bring about a new spring in your lives. Are you getting excited? Do you see yourself ready to leave Mediocreville and move into God’s Garden of Eden where there is peace, provision and tranquility? Friend, I believe with all my heart, this is your day! I declare: A breakthrough is coming. When it happens, it will change everything in your favor. Get ready and prepare for the flood of God’s goodness to overtake you. I love you and I’m praying for you!

“As of right now, I’m making a covenant with you: In full sight of your people I will work wonders that have never been created in all the Earth, in any nation. Then all the people with whom you’re living will see how tremendous God’s work is, the work I’ll do for you” (Exodus 34:10 The Message).

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