Building People. Spreading Hope.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How to Manage Your Money

I have several friends who come to me for advice on their money. God’s Word has a lot to talk about money. How we manage our money will determine how much or how little we’ll have of it.

There’re so many voices that want your attention regarding money. If you’re not careful, you can lose a lot by everything “experts” say. Like everything else, the best money advice comes from the Scriptures.

Be diligent at your work. It’s shocking how few people take their work seriously! Many don’t even show up to work. Since the fall of Adam, it is our task on earth to work. The good news is when we work, God has promised to bless the work of our hands. Hard working people will never have to beg for bread.

Be a person of excellence. I go to a certain service counter every month. The clerk’s body language tells me she doesn’t want to be there. It’s a mess when she folds my papers and staples it. I always have to un-staple and make it look decent before I file it. The Bibles teaches, whatever we do, we have to do it unto the Lord and give our best at it.

Have discipline. Pay your bills ahead of time. When paying your bills, take care of your “big potatoes” first. That’s your mortgage/rent, car payment, insurance, tithe, food, and savings and so on. When you put a few large potatoes in an empty jar, it will fit perfectly fine. Later you can pour a lot of rice into the pot and they too will fit around the big potatoes. In the same way, when we take care of our big expenses first, all the small expenses fit in.

Pay off credit card debt. Credit cards are a trap. If we’re not disciplined, we can lose cash fast. Most credit card companies charge 10-25% in interest. You may have a small or a large debt. Don’t be overwhelmed. Start paying more than the minimum every month. Stop using your card for further purchase. Cut it up if you can’t resist temptation. You’ll be amazed what miracle you’ll create for yourself if you simply start paying off your debt.

Save what you save. When you’ve paid off your credit card, student or a car loan or a mortgage, stash away the same cash in a savings or retirement account. When you begin to save, you’ll create energy and free yourself from living month to month. When you have a cushion to fall back on, you’ll have less stress and produce more.

Never act in fear. A friend of mine listened to an “expert,” motivated by fear, bought his book and few weeks later lost 25% of his life’s savings! Just because you see them on TV, listen to them on the radio or read their books doesn’t mean God wants you to take their advice. The best advice you can ever receive is to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow the peace of God in your own heart.

Don’t go for quick gain. When money starts to come easy; be on guard. Hard earned, honest living is still the best way to get rich. Of course, you want to be smart with your money but watch out for a quick buck. If it sounds too good to be true; it probably is! Be conservative. Build your wealth over a period of time.

Diversify. You’ve all heard, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” When we diversify our investment, we’re reducing our chances to lose it all. Don’t invest money in too many high risk portfolios at once. Invest in stocks, bonds and companies you know about. Don’t be naïve. Educate yourself. Only you are responsible for your own money.

Give it away. All rich and famous people have one thing in common – they all give away a lot of money. Obviously there’s a tax-benefit to giving but most rich people give because they have a heart for the less fortunate. The Bible says, when we help the poor, we lend unto the Lord. Cast your bread upon many waters and they’ll come back to you. (Ecclesiastes 11:1).

Friend, money is not the root of all evil – the love of money is! Work hard so you can give more away. Follow God and money will follow you. God knows your needs and how to get it to you. Today God is saying, “Be faithful in little things and I’ll make you ruler over much!” What are you going to do?

“If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches” (Luke 16:11 ESV)?

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