Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vision Brings Provision

If we want to achieve anything in life, we must have a vision for it. A vision is a mental image of something, inspired by God, energized by the Holy Spirit to bring out an idea into existence. Our dreams may vary but all of us can have a vision.

A vision is a powerful force in our lives. The Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). Many people breathe but they don’t have life because they never started or have given up on the vision God put in their hearts. When we lose the passion for life we become insignificant. This is why we need to strive to be around people who are visionaries and going places in life.

Most of you know, my vision is to reach the unreached in Asia with the Gospel. I love talking, dreaming and helping people who have no hope. Recently, I’ve had trouble in my house with the disposal under the kitchen sink. One of my electric sockets in the front porch was also not working. When I called an acquaintance for repair he gave a quote for a hefty sum. I was not happy to hear that so I prayed for God’s help. The same afternoon, I got a call from a friend. He is a professional who knows how to repair appliances. He came by my house and fixed both the problems in less than a minute. I saved a few hundred dollars. The next day, I got a call from a pastor from India who was visiting Dallas. I knew exactly what I was to do with the money I’d saved. I took him to dinner and put the money I’d saved in repair cost in his hand. He was very grateful and greatly encouraged by the Lord. Friend, don’t just look at what you have in your hands. When we have a vision, God will bring the provision.  

In 1965, Fredrick Smith was in college. He wrote a term paper in his economics class. His big idea was a delivery service that would use a hub and spokes concept to handle the routing of parcels. He only managed to score a “C” on term paper. Soon Smith’s vision became a reality. In 1971, upon his return from the Vietnam War, he started Federal Express and the rest is history. Today Fed Ex delivers over 2.3 million packages every day worldwide!

What is so great about Smith’s vision is it began only with a concept. The delivery service took off because he had a vision for something big. The most powerful thing in the world is our imagination. When we dream visions with ideas inspired by the Holy Spirit, we too can change the world with our inventions, gifts and talents. Today, I want us to entertain the thought that you have world-changing idea that God wants to use for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth. If you can envision it, He will help you to fulfill it.

People come up to me all the time that have a vision to evangelize the world with Build International Ministries. They have a family, work, business but they also love God to partner with us in bringing the Good News of Jesus to the nations. Over the last twenty seven years, God sent hundreds of people to win tens of thousands of souls for the Lord.

Friend, I don’t know what is your vision for your life. It may be a great marriage. It may be to see your children do well in life. Your vision may be to be physically fit. Others of you have great dreams to see your business succeed. No matter how big or small your idea is never cease to have a vision for your life. Never underestimate your impact on our world. God has breathed his life into you. You’re about to give birth to a dream that has been put burning in you. No matter how long it has been, don’t abort the vision God gave to you. Others may not understand you but God does. Make plans, speak the vision and take corresponding action to see your vision come to pass. Your vision will bring the provision.

“I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions” (Joel 2:28).

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