Building People. Spreading Hope.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Doing Business in Deep Waters

Inside each of us is a desire to do great things in life. When we experience a few setbacks, we tend to tone down our dreams and settle for a mediocre life. If we want to accomplish great things we have to nurture a big vision.

The Bible talks about doing business in great waters. It talks about experiencing God’s miracles in the deep waters. When we’re splashing around in the shallow it is safe.  When you’re in the deep waters, out in the middle of the sea, you have to trust and depend on God for your very survival. You have to take risks but the payback is the great treasures in the depth of the ocean floor.

I want to talk to primarily business owners today. However, these things are applicable to anyone who wants to make a big impact for God. Your dreams and purposes are not there by chance. The Creator of the universe put those desires in you. You’re born for such a time like this. The wealth of the world is stored up for you. God knows your heart is not just to provide for your family but also to touch the world with your influence and resources. Today, let’s talk about a few principles that will propel you to your ultimate destiny.

Believe in the dream God placed in your life. When you set out to do great things for God, you’ll have many opportunities to abort your dream. God will always give you some people who will believe in you but most of the time you have to be your biggest cheerleader. Protecting your dream will be one of your greatest challenges. Very few Christians believe that God wants them to become wealthy and change the world. There’s a small-mindedness that keep most people limited in the shallow waters. It will require all your faith and determination to do business in deep waters. Protect your dream. God is with you in the deep!

There will be oppositions. Great visions will have great oppositions. It comes with the territory. When Joseph had a dream, his own family was the first to laugh at him and tried to steal his dream. He went to the pit, then to the prison but ultimately to the palace to become second in command in the country. Moses faced a similar fate when he struggled for his own survival. But God’s grace led him to the very heart of Pharos’s house floating in a basket. He became the deliverer of the great nation of Israel. David would still be known as a shepherd boy had he not faced his Goliath. Daniel faced the lion’s den. Jesus had to flee to another country as a child to escape the great slaughter. His whole life was marked with challenges but He championed all of life’s trials when He rose again from the dead. You too my friend possess the same potential as the great men of faith before us. You can’t please every person and God at the same time. You will have oppositions but God has prepared a banquet table in front of your enemies. Those who oppose you now will see your success and marvel at God’s goodness in your life. Embrace challenges; it will help you rise higher.

Have some determination. If you build it, they’ll come! Most people give up without finishing the goals and visions God placed in their hearts. What they don’t realize is how close they were to accomplishing their dream! You’re closer than you think. You have come too far to go back now. Great treasures of the sea are in the deep. Give up the low life. Stretch towards heaven. It takes the same faith of a mustard seed to believe God for a $250,000 or a $5,000,000 business. With the later, you can have more influence to win our world for Jesus. You’ve got what it takes. God has the right people lined up for you. Your breakthrough is just in the horizon. Don’t give up until you see God’s miracles in the deep.

Friend, no matter what you do, dream big. Expect great things from God. Don’t let the enemy steal the seeds of greatness from your heart. Embrace challenges. The magnitude of your problem is an indication to the size of your destiny. Don’t be surprised if your dream is taking longer than you anticipated. Get out of the shallow waters. The wealth of the world is yours but you have to launch out into the deep! God is with you and I’m praying for you.

“Those who sail on the sea in ships, who do business on the high seas, have seen what the LORD can do, the miracles he performed in the depths of the sea” (Psalm 107:23-24 God’s Word).

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