Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Parenting with a Purpose

Kids are a lot of fun. They’re truly a gift from God. Our main job is to train and help them find God’s purpose for their lives. Easier said than done, parenting is one of the most challenging yet rewarding job in the world.

Our culture is having an effect on our children more and more. What was unacceptable just a few decades ago is normal now. Every parent has their right to raise their own kids but there are some Biblical principles, if followed, our children will be mighty in the land.

The other day, my friend was telling me how her daughter confessed to acting up and not having a best attitude with her mom. My friend is very passionate about raising Godly kids. When she asked her daughter what would prevent her from acting up again, she said, “Spending more time with you Mom!”

Kids spell love T-I-M-E. One of the greatest needs our kids have today is to spend quality and quantity time with their parents. When they feel loved, affirmed and accepted, they perform better all around. In our pursuit of happiness, business and career, sometimes we forget what we’re working for. Don’t let that be you. If we’re to enjoy our kids the rest of our lives, then it is wise for us to invest in them now. What we deposit in our children is far more important than what we deposit for them.

Discipline is one of the best ways to show love to our kids. We all need boundaries; why spare the kids? The Bible teaches us to train our children (age appropriate manner). If we don’t spare the rod when they’re young, our children will go through life with lot more success and lot less drama. When we spend time with our children, we earn the right to discipline them when and as needed. Discipline with love is how God deals with us. We should do the same with our kids.

Another great key to parenting is to focus on the majors. Don’t lose sleep over potty training your child. I’ve never seen a twenty-year-old going around in diapers. When we have a relaxed and easy going attitude at home, we’re sending a positive signal to our kids. Remember, people are more important than stuff. Dirty carpet can be cleaned but your kids will be kids only once. Don’t sweat the small stuff!

As the children grow older, teach them responsibility. They’re never too young to start. If we enable them to have an entitlement mentality, they’ll grow up thinking the world owes it to them. A better way is to teach them responsibility and reward them for it.

Spirituality is caught more than it’s taught. I know many Christian parents struggling to keep their kids interested in God. One of the best ways we can impart spirituality to our kids is to be an example. Read your Bible every day; spend time in prayer and fasting. Go to church regularly. Practice what you preach. Disciples are made not born.

As the kids reach adulthood, shift your parenting to consulting. Give advice and counsel only when it’s sought for. I’m planning to charge my kids for advice when they get older. Our children need the space to make their own discovery. They will make mistakes. Be gracious, understanding and patient. Don’t criticize, demean or condemn them. There’ll be enough people in the world to do that. Love, laugh and celebrate together. Don’t just endure your kids, enjoy them. If any of your kids young or old is not walking with God today, keep praying for them. They have no chance when you pray. You may not have had a good example of a parent but now you do. Let’s imitate our Heavenly Father! Parenting is an awesome responsibility. Let’s raise our kids with a purpose and enjoy them!

“Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4 ESV).

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