Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Do the Small Things Well

We all are attracted to big things. We like the feeling of achieving great things and making a big impact. However, most of life’s success is in doing the small things well.

Doing the small things might not get us as much attention or recognition but when we do the small things right, we create a miracle for ourselves. Dale Carnegie said, "Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves."

That is so true! When we do the small things right, we’re setting ourselves up for big victories. It is a test of our character. Our character is like the root of a tree. The deeper the roots go the strong the tree becomes. Small things can mean, not to get offended so easily. It may be paying more attention to our diet. It can also mean forgiving someone or making a phone call to stay in touch with your elderly parents. When we diligently make those sales calls we’ll see the harvest coming in. Being kind to your spouse and patient with your children may seem like a small thing but it’ll make your family prosper. Friend, when God prompts you to do a small thing - obey quickly. Every time you obey God, there will be a reward waiting for you.

Once, Jesus met with a man born blind. When people asked Him whose fault it was Jesus said, “This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in Him.” Then He spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva and proceeded to put it on the man’s eyes. Jesus instructed the blind man to go to the Pool of Siloam and wash off the mud. It was a small thing but the blind man obeyed and he was healed! What if the blind man had said, “No, Jesus! This is too simple. Thanks but no thanks. I’ll pass.” It was the man’s obedience in a small thing that healed him.

I wonder how many problems we face today will disappear if we only obey to do the small things God is telling us to do. I used to be a hot-tempered driver. I had a lot of insecurity and agitation going on in my heart. One day the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, “How long are you going to allow strangers in traffic to spoil your day?” At first I didn’t like hearing that. But I developed a personal growth plan to overcome. It took me almost six months to get over that one small thing. Now I say, “I love traffic!” I have peace like never before. It makes me more productive every day. Here’s the key. When we obey God in small things, God will make us ruler over much.

When you’re tempted to live a low life, dish out insult for insult - don’t give in. When you’re tempted to argue over a small thing, don’t fall in that trap. When you’re tempted to hold a grudge, remember that you too need forgiveness every day. When you’re worried about what other people think; think again. Your future is not in their hands but in God’s. You may say, “Sandy, why can they live this way and not me?” Here’s why. They’re not going where you’re going. You’re called to do great things in life. If we become obedient to God in the small things, He will promote us in big ways we’ve never dreamed of.

Friend, today I’m asking you to do the small things well. Pay attention to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit in you. The more you do the small things right, the higher you’re going to rise in life. Remember, God has a reward for every obedience. He will never take anything away from you without giving you something better. Do the small things well and you’ll see your life flourish like never before.

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin” (Zechariah 4:10 NLT).              

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