Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A New Season is Coming

I don’t know where you live but here in Texas the seasons are changing. Giant trees that shed its leaves and stood dormant for months are now starting to blossom and you can see the beautiful process of another new beginning.

Life happens in the same way. We go through one phase of our life into another. Each season is blessed by God to be enjoyed, cherished and celebrated. Problems start when we don’t recognize the new season and hold on to the old.

I know many of you have been sitting dormant in your life. You’ve waited patiently and even wondered, “Where is God?” This is only human. But I have good news for you today. God has always been there with you or else you would not be here. You may look dead, without leaves and fruits but listen my friend life is coming back to you. God Almighty the Creator of the universe is breathing in your direction. When you’re “in season” you don’t have to push, shove or sweat in order to enjoy life. God is lining up the right people. He is putting together the resource package and releasing His favor upon your new season. He sees your patient wait. He can see your budding faith. He can see your steadfast heart towards Him. Our God is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him - that’s you!

Some of the best things you can do in a changing season are to pull out the weeds and prune the dead branches (bad habits), solidify the foundation with rich mulch (Word of God), water and fertilize the soil with Miracle Grow (the Holy Spirit).

Today let me challenge you to understand your season and prepare your ground. Your roots are firmly established. Your season to blossom is just around the corner. You’ve got what it takes. Like new leaves, your health will spring forth yet again. Your legal battle will be won in your favor. The relationship will be mended. You will pass the test. And your finances will increase so you can be a blessing to the world. Lift up your eyes and look out the window my friend. A new season is coming. You’re going to harvest more than you planted. Rejoice, celebrate and thank God for it in advance. I’m praying for you!

From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take (1 Chronicles 12:32 NLT).

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