Building People. Spreading Hope.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Overcome Everyday Disappointments

Life is full of disappointments. A prayer doesn’t get answers, kids act up, a business deal goes sour, stress in a relationship, car breaking down can all cause us a great deal of distress. If we don’t learn to get over disappointments fast and in a healthy way, we will end up suffering the rest of our lives.

When dealing with disappointments, I remind myself, “Things don’t happen to me, everything happens for me.” You see, we serve a God who can turn our mourning into dancing. In spite of our disappointments He weaves beautiful tapestry out of our mess.

Another important thing that helps me in my disappointments is to keep my mouth shut. It is human to broadcast our pain to the world, especially now with the presence of social media. When we do that, we shoot ourselves on the foot. When I’m disappointed, I have a rule to hold my peace for 48 hours. It’s amazing how my mood and perspective changes during that time. Try it!

Knowing that God’s got my best interest at heart comforts me. I like to think God is like a GPS. Even when we take the wrong turn in life, when we repent, He’s always there to guide us back to our original destination. When we walk according to His will, He guides us by the hand and leads us to victory.

In the Bible, Elijah was a great prophet but He was a common person like us. Once he had to pray down rain from a draught. After prayer he sent his apprentice to check if there was any sign of rain in the sky. Six times the servant returned and said, “There is nothing!” Elijah prayed some more and told him to, “Go again.” Friend, that’s what you need to do – go again! Keep your goal in front of you and be persistent. On the seventh time the man came back and replied, “There’s a cloud in the size of a hand rising from the sky.” That gave Elijah faith to declare, “I hear a sound of abundance of rain.” Friend, no matter what disappointment you’re facing today; declare over your life, “I hear a sound of abundance of rain.” Shake off your disappointment and go again.

Every day I wake us saying, “Today’s the day!” When I don’t get what I was expecting, I say to myself, “I’m one day closer to my victory!” This takes all the pressure off of me and I sleep better at night.

Friend, disappointments are part of life but so is God’s grace and mercy. God is planning to turn your setback in to a set up. He is orchestrating the intricate details of your life. Don’t mess it up by venting too quickly, being impatient and not trusting Him fully. Our God can do anything but fail. He’s got your back. He will vindicate you. He will pay you back. Keep a good attitude. Don’t replay the disappointment in your mind like a broken record. Switch to the victory channel and your life will be filled with His mercy, joy and laughter. I’m praying for you today!

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28 NLT).

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