Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Love is a Decision

We’re talking about love, leading up to the Valentine’s Day in America. Media and everywhere you go are trying to define what love is. One thing I can tell you for sure: Love is not a feeling; it’s a decision.

Feelings are fickle. They are like the waves in the sea, they come and go in a whim but true love is a commitment. Love is like any communication, if you don’t send it out, you will not get a return. You’ll have many opportunities to get out of a relationship if you don’t make continual decision to stay in love.

Love is something that grows from your decisions and actions. Often our wedding vows include, “for better or for worse.” Most of us are willing to stick together when the times are good but when we hit a few bumps we’re too quick to check out. No relationship can be fun, enjoyable and peaceful at all times. A healthy relationship requires continually making choices to strengthen the bond.

Practice making a decision to love and then following that decision up with loving actions and admiration. Let go of the little things. Give without strings attached. Try to see look at things from his/her perspective. Don’t play the blame game. Agree to disagree. Find a win-win solution to problems. Forgive quickly. Laugh together and often. Set goals and work on your future together.

Love always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end (1 Corinthians 13). Loving someone is giving them the power to hurt you, but trusting them not to.

Love is not a feeling, love is a decision followed by action.

Change the World with the Message of Love:

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