Building People. Spreading Hope.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Attract More Money?

In this world money is influence and power. Money is not everything but it touches everything important in our lives. I have never met anybody who says, “I’ve made enough money. I don’t need anymore!” So then, how can we have more money?

1. Think rich. You’ll never be rich thinking poor thoughts! More gold has been mined from the brains of man than has ever been taken out of the ground. One of the first steps in becoming rich is to determine that you want to be wealthy. Once you have a desire to be rich, you will begin to think, talk and take corresponding actions to become so. It all starts with your decision and desire to be wealthy.

2. Never make making money your goal. King Solomon – the richest man ever known on earth didn’t ask for riches. He asked for wisdom and he got riches as a bonus! If getting rich is your ultimate goal, you’re thinking too small. Money is a byproduct. Never go after money; let money follow you. Find a need and get busy serving that need – money will always find you.

3. Give money away. This may sound foolish at first but the more you give the more you will receive. It will keep you from greed. Think about a tiny seed. It holds no promise of a grand future sitting in a granary. But it has a great potential when it is planted in the ground. The process of germination takes place once it is out of your hand and planted into the ground. Money is the same way. Hoarding money stifles growth. Again, King Solomon said, “A generous man will prosper.”

4. Support Israel. The fast-track to be rich is to bless Israel. God said in Genesis 12:2, “I will bless those who bless you [Israel].” Don’t ask me why God said this but I know from experience that when you support Israel, God will prosper you – financially!

It is easy to be poor. Can God trust you with riches?

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