Building People. Spreading Hope.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Walking in the Favor of God

You can do a lot of things to draw God’s attention but when God’s favor is on your life goodness, mercy, and good breaks will come find you. When we live favor-minded, we will enjoy more of God’s blessings in our lives.

The definition of favor is an attitude of approval or liking. It is an act of kindness beyond what is due or unusual. Another place states that it’s a preference for one person over another. At times, we struggle in life but God wants us to walk in favor all the time. When we live a favor-minded life, God-things happen to us.

The other day I took my oldest daughter Cassandra for shopping on her seventeenth birthday. I told her to pick out some clothes for her upcoming college classes. When we went to the register, a young man took care of us. When I saw the computer screen, the clothes that were already on sale had been marked down even more. I said, “Excuse me!” He just gave me a wry smile and continued scanning the items. Later I told my daughter what happened. The clerk had punched in additional discount and she was ecstatic! In the car we thanked God and recognized His favor.

Many people don’t realize it but all of God’s children are born with favor in their blood. It is our God-given inheritance. However, many people don’t know how to activate that favor in their lives. I’ve learned that the more I live favor-minded, the more I attract God’s favor. Favor is preferential treatment. Favor is not a lucky break; it is God’s gift to show us that He likes us even when we don’t deserve His blessings. When you activate favor in your life, you’ll begin to experience God’s supernatural benefits.

We all know the story of how Pharaoh persecuted the children of Israelites. God finally heard the cries of His suffering people as He does yours today. The Egyptians had been brutal towards them but through some strange compulsion they gave their jewelries to the Israelites. In the end, the Egyptians perished but the Israelites inherited all the wealth. God wants to shower you with favor beyond your wildest dreams.

Today, you may be working for a hard-to-please boss. Co-workers may be speaking against you. You may be discriminated against for your faith, age, the color of your skin, or your nationality. You may even be persecuted for sharing Christ with others or for keeping integrity at work. No matter how bad the situation may look, always remember that God has anointed you with favor. You’re chosen to receive God’s red-carpet treatment. When you walk around expecting God’s favor, it will find you. Here’s the key. When you find favor, whether big or small, give God the credit and you’ll draw more favor into your life.

While we can never earn God’s favor with our good deeds, it is pleasant to know that we serve a generous God who blesses us in spite of our failures and weaknesses. This is why it is so important for you to go about your business calling in God’s favor. See yourself receiving the better end of the deal. When you go ask for a job, promotion or a raise, go in with God’s favor. When the odds are against you, invite God’s favor.

A few weeks ago, I posted a piano recital by my daughter Sabrina on Facebook. It was meant to be just an encouragement for her on how well she’s practicing. Many of you commented on her performance and thank you for that. My friend Ms. Nancy also saw the post and asked if we wanted to keep her grand piano in our house for Sabrina to practice on as they’re going to be putting it away in storage for a year. I immediately said “yes.” Today that grand piano decorates the front entrance of our home and Sabrina just can’t get enough of it. What was that? It was the favor of God towards my daughter. (Thank you, Ms. Nancy!)

Today, don’t just depend on your own strength. Ask God for His favor. When you live favor-minded, it will come to you. This may surprise you but our God is the ultimate Santa Clause. He’s not performance based. He’s not keeping track of your wrongs but rights. He is the most loving and generous Father you could ever imagine! He wants to bless you so that you can be a blessing to others. Seek God, live favor-minded and enjoy the fullness of happiness God has for you.

“For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime!” (Psalm 30:5 NLT)

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