Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Adopted Into the Family

God made human hearts to belong. Yet many people go through life feeling lonesome and deserted. They do not feel loved or worthy to experience anything good in life. If they get any good brakes in life, they wait for the other shoe to fall out.

When we live with a nagging feeling inside thinking we are not good enough; we’re not worthy of anything good, we are sabotaging our own future. When become born again, we become part of God’s family. We are new creature with new feature. Regardless of our earthly parents, we inherit a new bloodline. God’s DNA becomes ours. When we are not thinking, talking and acting like God, we are belittling Him.

A few months ago, our neighborhood cat gave birth to some cute little kittens. My children begged me to keep them. Reluctantly I agreed. Now they are the greatest source of entertainment. At times when my kids come home, the kitties get more attention than I do. I feel jealous! Seriously, one thing I love about these cats: somehow they know that they belong to our family. When the fridge or the pantry door is opened they boldly show up and usually get what they want. At times, when I’m sitting on the couch working on my computer, they cuddle up next to me or try to climb over my body and sniff my nose! They have no inhibition. They have no fear acting like they belong. They should have been stray cats fending for themselves but thanks to my kids, they are living a royal life!

The Scripture says that while we were yet sinners, Christ loved us. He gave up heaven for us. He lived a sinless life. He took the beatings on His body for our healing. He offered up His life for our Salvation. When we come into the family of God, we inherit everything heaven has. We are grafted into the family of God. In heaven, there is no crying, sighing or dying. There is no lack, sickness or betrayal. There is no sin, addiction or mental torment. Heaven is where God lives and His peace and tranquility rules over everything. I’m not saying when we have Jesus we will not face any problem. What I am saying is in spite of our troubles; we can experience heaven on earth. The Holy Spirit of God who lives in us is our Comforter and our Helper.

Friend, you may not feel much today. Life may have battered you down. You may be facing some impossible situations. Remember, that you have been adopted into the family. You are the child of the Most High. You belong to the Royalty. You and God are family. You are joint heir to the throne along with Big Brother Jesus. Have no fear. Like our cats, cuddle up next to God and sniff His nose! Go to His storehouse boldly. Membership has its privileges. You have access. Everything God’s belongs to you. He is not a stingy God; He is the God of abundance!

This all may sound good but you ask, “Sandy, how do I appropriate all that God has for me?” Thank you for asking. Receive! Just receive. One of the greatest hindrances to receiving from God is our stinking thinking. We think we are not worthy. We think we have to perform. We think we have to bribe God with good behavior. These are good religious thoughts but they are like filthy rags to God. We can never impress God with our good works. We can only receive by faith what He made available through the Cross. We either chose to belong to the family of God and enjoy His blessings or we go through life struggling thinking life sucks!

Today, let me challenge you to come before the throne of God boldly in times of your need. God is craving for your attention and your dependency on Him. God wants to heal your sick body. He wants to wipe away your tears. He wants to be your husband. He will provide for you abundantly. He is the Defender of the weak. His strength is made perfect in your weakness. You are a royalty! You are adopted into the family of God. He is waiting to heal your pain and fill you with His purpose. Will you receive? I pray and proclaim; you will experience everything God has for you. In Jesus’ name!

“But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind” (Isaiah 40:31 The Message).

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