Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

7 Seeds that will Bear Much Fruits in 2014

Welcome to another New Year, individually Handcrafted by God for you with favor, blessings and power to impact the world. This year you’ll overcome every obstacle, difficulty, setback and sorrow. Get ready for God’s goodness to overwhelm you!

As the New Year unfolds, it is imperative that we understand that we are designed to succeed. Make plans, take corresponding actions and give God your very best. What we can attain by ourselves is nothing compared to what we can achieve with God. Today, let’s look at a few principles that will ensure our success in 2014.

Focus on the goodness of God. When flipping your calendar, consider the things God has already done for you. Remember the blessings and not the difficulties. When we have an attitude of gratitude, we will always have something to be thankful for. When we are thankful, we will attract more of God’s blessings in our lives.

Let go of the past. Do not maul over what did not happen. If we spent all our energies remembering and replaying our failures we will have very little left to build something new. Today is a new day! Let’s walk through the rooms of our lives not looking at our flaws but tapping into our potential. Break out of your cocoon; let the butterfly fly.

Know who you are. Many people are sitting on the sidelines today because they have a poor mental picture of themselves. They do not feel that they deserve anything good. Negative experience in life has sucked the joy out of their lives. Don’t let that be you. Remember, you are a child of the Most High. You belong to the Royalty. You and God can do anything. You’re not defined by what others say; you are what God says – son, friend, loyal, conqueror, victorious, loving, kind, gentle, patient, healthy, prosperous, peaceful, dream-chaser, vision-fulfiller. How you see yourself on the inside is how you will experience life in reality.

Write down goals, dreams and desires. Power is released when we write things down. Be in prayer and anticipation for God to give you a God-size dream. If your vision does not include “impossible” you’re thinking too small. Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones you did do. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Friend, only you have the power to decide how high you fly and what happens to you in life. Do not limit God. He is not only with you, He is for you.

Speak God’s Word. What comes out of your mouth has the greatest impact in your life. Let us speak positive, uplifting, kind and considerate words over ourselves and others. Do not let circumstances dictate our words. Speaking God’s Word over our lives overrides anything contrary in our lives. Sickness will have to go. Family members will be saved. Debt will be eliminated. Peace will flow. Our words have creative power to change things.

Take time to grow. We begin to die the day we stop learning. No matter how much you know, dedicate yourself to learning something new about God, your spouse, family, friends and fellowmen. Read books, Listen to podcast, attend church, find a mentor. You’re created for more.

Help others win. Selfishness is the greatest enemy to our soul. What we do for ourselves will fade away like a vapor. What we do in the name of Christ will remain forever. The greatest gifts you can give away are priceless – smile, encourage, hug, listen, serve, teach, pray and the greatest is to love unconditionally. Friend, I’m praying that 2014 will be an Ahh-Mazing year for you and yours!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. ~ Walt Disney

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19 ESV).

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