Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

God’s Plan for Your Life

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, it is important that we know God’s will for our lives. Many people are uncertain about God’s love for them and what He wants them to do with their lives. I have Good News for you. God’s wants to give you a hope and a future that you could have never comprehend.

Today we will discuss God’s thoughts on five areas of our lives. If we can grasp the concepts of these pillars, we will excel and exceed in every area of our lives.

Get cozy with God. If you want to gather honey, don’t kick the beehive. Our vertical life on earth will only be as fruitful as our horizontal life with God in heaven. When we do our best to honor God with what we know and what we have, we invite God’s unprecedented blessings upon our lives. When we hold on to things that displeases our Maker, we delay our own promotion. God is poised to take you to the next level but you must deal with what’s He’s showing you. If we take time to connect with God in the morning (or any other routine time suitable for you) then God will bring us people to connect with all day long. Put God first and you’ll do a roaring trade in life.

Invest in your family. Our relationship with our family is an indicator of our relationship with our God. When we love, cherish and value the family God has given us, we’re watering our own garden. Often we’re readily available to help others. Don’t advance your career at the expense of your family. Wise King Solomon lamented, They made me keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.” Spend time with your family. Love and serve your spouse. Speak positive words of encouragement and affirmation over them. Give them something to live up to. People are not mind readers – compliment them frequently. Forgive quickly and add honor to each other. Kids spell love T-I-M-E. Don’t just give your best to your company and bring your leftover to your family. Live a balanced life. At the end of your days you will not ask for another day at the office but your loved ones to be with you. Your family is the greatest treasure you have. Invest now, reap later.

Make new friends. It’s comfortable to be friends with people you know. If your friends look all the same, eat the same food, speak the same language and listen to the same type of music, you’re living a very shallow life. Enlarge your circle of friends. Meet new people. Network, go to church, and celebrate with others. Be in the marketplace. Be visible. Communicate. The more you’re investing in others the more God will open doors for you. Make new friends but remember it’s better to have a few good and Godly influences than to drown with the ungodly. Seek out positive, life-giving, lifter-uppers who will cry with you when you’re down and dance with you when you’re up.

Master your money. Money isn’t everything in life but it touches everything important you want in life. If we’re going to be unruly and undisciplined about money, we won’t go very far in life. Our material society has elevated money to be a deity. Never set making money as your goal or let money be a motivator. Instead of wanting money, seek to bless others. The Kingdom of God works in reverse – the more you give the more you’ll receive. Beginning of this year, decide how much you want to give away and then watch God channeling funds through you like never before. Become a conduit. The only thing going to heaven is people; invest in them. Pay your bills ahead of time. Chip away at your debt; you’ll overcome. Believe God for explosive financial blessings from unknown sources. Make God your Source!

Get active. Your body is not only where you live but it is where God lives. When we honor God with our body by doing proper exercise, sleeping enough hours and paying attention to what we eat and drink, we will reap the benefits thereof. Health is wealth. What you do now with your body is how good you’ll look, feel and enjoy in the years to come.

Let me leave you with God’s promise for your life. God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us” (Ephesians 3:20 The Message).

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