Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

God is Not Finished Yet

As we come to the end of this year, many have mentally transitioned into the next year. Maybe it has been a tough year for some. They want to move on to the next. But I want to remind you, God is not finished yet!

If there’s one thing I don’t like about God is that He often shows up in the last minute. In my younger years, it caused me great frustration. He was never late but frequently last minute. I lodged many complaints but His reply was, “Have I ever failed you?” That was the end of our conversation because God was never late!

One thing we’ll do good to learn is to wait for God until the last minute. You may not have what you hoped for. But if you wait patiently till the end, God will come through. If you have a medical condition, don’t just accept what the doctor’s report say. Instead, remind yourself that God is restoring your health even right now.

This is what happened to a man sitting by the Pool of Bethesda waiting to be healed for thirty eight years! The Scripture says that he had a withered hand. One day Jesus showed up and saw this man in great despair. Jesus asked, “Do you want to be healed?” The man replied, “I have no man to help me!” This man had resigned to his fate that nothing ever will change. He had written himself off. May be you’re in a place in your relationship and you’ve written it off. May be you’ve lost a lot of money in your business this year and you see no way to recover it. You may have written off a child or a legal situation. I’m asking you – don’t! God is not finished yet. We still have more than fifteen days left of this year. God can and He is poised to do the miracle you’ve been waiting for. Don’t give up, don’t give in. God’s UPS van is en-route to deliver what belongs to you.

It is good to plan ahead and look into 2014. But don’t leave this year without fully appropriating what belongs to you. God has your dream job in store. He has connections lined up for you. He knows what medicine will work to restore your health. If you’re a teacher, you haven’t taught your best lesson yet. If you’re in sales, you haven’t made your biggest sales yet. If you trust Him and stay faithful, a flourishing finish is waiting for you. God is not finished yet.

In the gold rush days, Darby’s uncle from Maryland had gone west to Colorado and eventually came across gold ore. When financing was secured Darby and his uncle returned to work in the mine. Initially things were going according to plan. The first remnants of gold they discovered were shipped to a smelter and the returns provided a promise that they could have one of Colorado’s richest mines. They continued to drill then the unthinkable happened! The vein of gold ore suddenly disappeared. At first they continued to drill taking themselves deeper into debt and despair. Then they finally decided to quit. They sold the drilling machinery to a nearby junkman and returned home. The Junkman didn’t believe that their mine had no gold. He hired a mining engineer. The finding was shocking! They found the vein of gold that Darby and his uncle had been seeking, was just three feet from where they had stopped digging. Junkman continued drilling and that is precisely where the gold was found.

Let me ask you a question. If you knew you’re three days away from your healing, will you quit? If you knew you’re going the make the biggest sale of the day, will you be discouraged? If you knew God was going to give you that dream job you’ve been praying for, will you stop sending those resumes? If you knew you’re going to meet the person of your dream next week, will you be discouraged? What about the mountain of debt? Will you throw in the towel if God was to cancel that debt? Friend, you’re only three feet away from hitting your “gold.” God is orchestrating things and people in your favor. Give him some praise for your breakthrough. You will build that orphanage. You’ll build that church God placed in your heart. God has great things in store for you. 2013 is not over yet. Let’s work hard and hold on to our faith and confession. God is not finished yet! I’m praying for you.

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6 ESV).

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