Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The China Report

We’ve just returned from another successful missions trip to China. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers, support and encouragement. Together, with Jesus and you, our team was able to reach thousands of lives.
First, we went to Hong Kong where I lived for thirteen years. We caught up with my home church there and were able to minister to the leaders of my growing church of over 1,000 people. We also visited a group of businessmen with FGBMF who were so discouraged that they’re running on fumes. God brought us there to breathe new life, direction and purpose into them. We left knowing that we lifted their spirits on high again. They are doing a phenomenal job to reach the bustling city of Hong Kong.
When we flew into Beijing, China, we met a taxi driver from hell. We had communication problem and he was in a grumpy mood. That night at eleven o’ clock, I lost my Christianity for about five minutes. Later, we realized that we’re fighting over $1.25 for lack of communication. Next morning I repented and the rest of the trip was amazing!
Did you know there are more than 10,000 house churches in the capital city of Beijing alone? We visited a few in the darkness of the night. People there were extremely open and hungry to receive from us. My team members (11-14 people) shared life’s struggles and victories to encourage the church. We laughed, cried and worshiped the Lord together. The Chinese Church prayed for YOU our partners and for revival in America. We laid hands on the sick and those who needed our ministry (which was often the whole church). After the meetings, we ate a lot of watermelons and fellowshipped together.
From Beijing, we took a train to a north-eastern city. It was a remote place, three-hour drive into the mountains. We’re only seventy kilometers away from the North Korean border. Some of my friends mistakenly thought it was a resort place. When we got to our destination, we checked into “the Hilton.” My friend David immediately earned a new merit batch “The Fly Terrorist.” He killed at least fifty flies in less than half an hour. We slept in dormitories and there was hardly any running water. We had outdoor latrines and shower was out of the question. When we tried to move, we’re told it was the safest place for us to hide! We adjusted our attitude quickly and that night the owner gave us a fireworks display we could watch laying in our beds.
The ministry time in the “resort” was the best of all. Around 300-400 believers had gathered from different parts of China. We learned that almost 40%-50% of the villagers were Christians. One of the leaders has planted over 30 churches already. We preached and taught and even sang some songs in English. Christopher, a sixteen year-old team member played the piano to amuse the congregation and worship the Lord. Marty and Carolyn taught on family using a skit and it was an instant hit! We also taught on overcoming discouragement, trusting God, Having big dreams and several other topics. Our fellowship with them was like pouring water to a thirsty soul. Most of them had never met a foreigner so we became instant celebrities. Everyone wanted to take pictures with us. We played with the children and tickled them. When we left, people were in tears, weeping, crying and hugging us. We didn’t get the best facilities but we’re able to deposit God’s love, hope and encouragement into hundreds of leaders and believers there.
Everywhere we went, we supplied Bibles for the believers. There’s still a huge shortage of the Word of God in China. Many of you supported the Bible project and we’re able to buy over 3,000 Bibles! Your sacrificial gifts are now making an eternal impact in China.
Thank you again and again for going with us to China with your prayers and support. We felt your prayers every day. God protected us and our Chinese brothers and sisters. We were honored to represent you. The Bible teaches that nothing we do in the name of our Lord will remain unpaid. God sees your heart to help those in need. God will reward you a hundred fold. Together, we’ve just impacted a whole nation! Please continue to pray and engage with us in world missions. We love you. We need you.
“If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD--and he will repay you” (Proverbs 19:17 NLT)!
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