Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Get Back Up

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes it can feel like there are more down than up. Everyone goes through periods of discouragement and failures. It’s not falling that keeps us down but our failure to get back up.

How fast we get back up when we fail determines how successful we become. Great men and women learn to get up quickly. There’s nothing wrong when you have a bad day, bad decision or even a bad year but there’s nothing right staying and wallowing in our wrong choices. The sooner we learn to get back up the faster the scenery of our lives will change.

When we fall, one of the first things we have to deal with is our own conscience. For a Christian, the Holy Spirit is there to convict us. The Spirit never condemns us but He gently steer us back to God. On the contrary, the enemy is the accuser of the brethren. The sooner we accept our wrongs, take ownership and repent from our wrong ways the sooner we’ll experience God’s power of restoration and reinforcement to get back on the road to success.

I know many people who made a mistake years ago but are still sidelined by their wrongs. They forgive others but they cannot seem to forgive themselves. Being trapped in the mistakes of our past is a miserable prison. Some believe that they’re out of reach from God’s mercy. Just the opposite is true. In the Old Testament our sins were barely covered by the sacrificial blood of the animals. In the New Testament, our sins are not just covered but they’re eradicated. They’re gone forever!

One of the greatest mistakes Peter made was to deny Jesus three times. In most of our minds that was the unforgivable sin. But Peter knew better. After walking, talking and hanging around with Jesus, he knew the power of God’s love and mercy. Peter wept bitterly and repented from his sins. Later, on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon Peter, he became a transformed man. The same person who denied Christ three times was now preaching to thousands and proclaiming the Gospel fearlessly. Historians say Peter was crucified upside down because of his faith. What brought such radical change in Peter’s life? He learnt the secret of forgiving himself and allowing the Holy Spirit to revolutionize his life.

Not all people make serious mistakes like Peter. Sometimes we get angry with our kids and we let that eat our day. At times we lose patience in traffic or long grocery line and we allow that to affect the rest of the day. When we get rejected by a sales call or a negative email, we can get easily discouraged. When the best client leaves us or we lose our job, we can be upset for days. Many people never recover from hurt and betrayal. I say this in love but there has to come a point when we have to forgive the offender or ourselves for our own good. We have to get up quickly and move forward in life.

Walt Disney was fired as a newspaper editor on the grounds that “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” He went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland. The proposed park was rejected by the city of Anaheim on the grounds that it will only attract riffraff. Friend, don’t let your mistakes hold you back. Your wrong choices don’t define you. They’re just expensive lessons you’ve learnt.

Today, I urge you to take inventory of your life. Don’t hang on to the past mistakes and disappointments. Today is a new day. God’s mercies are new every day. Give your mistakes to God and allow His Holy Spirit to empower you again. You’re not washed up. God didn’t sideline you. You’re still in the game. Like Peter and Disney, there’s a comeback waiting for you. Remember, the difference between success and failure is the person who gets up one more time than the other. Let’s start over. I’m praying for you!

“The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again” (Proverbs 24:16 NLT).

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