Building People. Spreading Hope.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Be Someone Others Want to Be Around

Much of our success comes from being around people. Unless we have something to offer to people we’ll have very few followers. People don’t buy product and services they buy the experience of you.

We’re all attracted to people who are enthusiastic, stimulating and fun to be with. Positive people never have shortage of followers. We all like to be with people who are kind, thoughtful and genuinely interested in others.

Some people are born with natural charisma. Most people are not. However, there are a few principles if practiced over time; you too will become someone others want to be around with.

Last week, I was attending a marriage reception of friends. There were plenty of interesting people in the house the reception was held. I tried to be social. Suddenly I spotted a gentleman in a corner all by himself. I went over to him and started a small talk. He was very polite and open so I probed a little further into his personal life. I could tell he was getting comfortable with me. Finally I asked how I could be praying for him. He opened up even more and asked prayer for direction and clarity over a relationship he was in. We bonded even further and I invited him out to the backyard so I could pray for him in a quieter place. When I was through praying for him, he didn’t want to part from me! Let me share a few tips that may help you build a few followers of your own.

People don’t want to hear about your sorrow. The key to becoming an interesting person is to think outside of yourself. Be genuinely interested in others. Start with a friendly greeting and a firm handshake. If you want to be remembered, look directly into their eye. Repeat their name. Smile. Your smile is the biggest billboard you can send for yourself.

Be Sensitive. Whether you’re with one person or a room full of people; be sensitive to your environment. Every situation commands a different response. Had I not noticed the gentleman in the corner of the room, I’d not have made a great impression on him. Fortunately, I was able to make the connection because I was not only sensitive to reach out to him but I added value to him by offering my sincere prayers. Prayer is a strong bond between people. No matter what you do, you can offer prayers for others.

Make people feel good about who they are. Whether you meet a rocket scientist or a janitor, you have the power to add value to the person you’re with. When we endorse, affirm and accept people just the way they are, we invoke a positive response from them. Most people don’t even have one person cheering them on or telling them that they’re worth anything. People are not mind readers. Until we express our confidence, trust and well-wishes for the person in front of us, they will never know. Make a habit of speaking life-giving words over people. Ask question that are pertaining to their interest. When they speak; listen, and engage in the conversation.

Becoming a person of charisma is easy. Having integrity and character takes time. It is an inside job. When people know, that we genuinely care, they want to be around us. The basis of every good relationship is trust. When we earn people’s trust by living these principles we’ll have more followers in our lives. Jesus was a master at connecting with people. He never talked about His problems. He was sensitive to people’s needs. He made people feel valuable. Two thousand years later, He still has the highest followers in history! We too can be someone others want to be around when we follow these basic tips. This week, try out these principles and I guarantee increased customers in your business and followers in your personal life.

“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold” (Proverbs 22:1 ESV).

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