Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Celebrate People

Today is my daughter’s sixteenth birthday. Where has the time gone? I remember the day she was born. I remember when she took her first steps. It was like yesterday! Today we celebrate her life.

When we celebrate people, we add value to them like nothing else. We all have a need to feel special. We need to feel valued. We want to belong. There are many ways we can celebrate the gift of life. This is especially effective when people are going through a difficult time. When we invest our time, talent and treasure in others, we’re fueling them to rise higher.

Years ago, I was visiting a large church. I was attending a special conference on world missions. The pastor of the church mentioned that they’re going to take up a special offering for a single mom who had some urgent needs. They passed the bucket around and my first thought was why aren’t they taking an offering for our mission work? Reluctantly, I put some money in the offering bag. My attitude was, “If they’re not celebrating me, why should I be excited?” (I know I was a low life then). Right after the offering the pastor announced that someone was going to donate a new car to the lady in need. What happened next is still stuck in my mind vividly. Two teenage boys sitting in front of me jumped up and gave the biggest high-five I’d ever seen. They’re hugging each other in joy. These two teenagers were genuinely celebrating the blessings of other. The Holy Spirit taught me a lesson watching those boys that day that I’ll never forget - celebrate the victory of others.

One way we can celebrate people is to speak positive words of encouragement into their lives. When we speak highly of people, we give them power to perform better. Anyone can pull people down but we’re commissioned to build people up. When we speak life into people, they start to believe in themselves again. Always find something to compliment people about. It could be the tie they’re wearing or a piece of jewelry. Something simple can be a huge encouragement to the other person.

Another way we can celebrate people is by giving gifts. Often we think our gifts have to be expensive or extra-ordinary. That kind of thinking will limit us. We can give simple gifts such as a Starbucks gift card, send a box of cookies, a handmade card or buy people a meal. There are whole businesses built to create gifts for you to give. Give gifts and celebrate people.

A powerful way to deposit into people is to pray for them. Prayer is a mighty weapon in the hand of ordinary people like us. Prayer makes you a super-human. Of course, we don’t have any power in ourselves but when we call on God’s power to touch people’s lives, He hears us. Our prayers can heal people of their hurt, troubles and struggles. Let us learn not only to pray for people but to pray with them.

One of the best ways we can celebrate people is to share the love of God with them. This is why I’m sharing Christ around the world for the last twenty seven years. Thousands of lives have been touched and changed by the love of God. You too can share Christ with someone you know. The Bible says that the whole heaven celebrate over the salvation of one person.

Friend, let’s try to find ways to add value to people. Celebrate people with an encouraging word. Celebrate people by giving a small gift. Pray with people. When we celebrate others, God will send people to celebrate our lives. I celebrate you!

Happy Birthday Cassandra Jyoti Anderson! I love you and am proud of you.

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