Building People. Spreading Hope.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Change Your Mindset

One of the most valuable things we have is our mindset. What we constantly think about is how we’re going to live out our lives. In order to live a life of significance, we must have the right mindset.

In the Bible, we’re challenged to guard our minds from wrong thinking. If we give into the guile of wrong thinking, we will soon be dancing to the tune of the evil one. You can say our mindset dictates our measure of success.

We’ve all read about the story of Moses in the Bible. Although born a Hebrew (thus a slave) Moses grew up in the King’s palace. When one of the daughters of Pharos picked up Moses from the water she changed his identity and raised him to be a prince in Egypt. Unaware, Moses grew up like a royalty. He thought like a royalty, acted and talked like a prince. One day he found out that he was a son of a common slave. It caused him to drop his self-esteem. He killed an Egyptian and fled the country. It took God forty years to change his mindset. Once he changed his mindset, he brought a whole generation of Israelite out of bondage into freedom. The shift in Moses’s mindset caused the nation of Israel to triumph.

When we have the right mindset, we carve a path to productivity and success. Like a magnet, we draw in what we constantly dream about. Our mind is so powerful that it can chart a course for our day, week, month and even our destiny. This is why it is vital that we constantly dwell on positive, victory thoughts from the Word of God. When we live with a positive mindset our problems don’t become smaller but our God becomes bigger in our own mind. When we magnify God, we minimize our problems!

I know several friends who are facing impossible situations right now. I want to encourage you to enlarge your mindset. As long as we’re bound by our own family background, education, connections and limitations, we’re not going to rise higher. Let me make some bold statements. You don’t have to live with that sickness. You will not die but proclaim the works of the Lord. Some of you are facing financial mountains. Let me encourage you. Just recently, my friend’s IRS dues were canceled amounting to over $100,000! Another friend Ben came into this country with only $80 in his pocket. Today he employs over 50 workers and owns three businesses. My brother Neil went to a small town school and college in India but last month he got his doctorate. The Bible is full of stories of people who were once this or that but through God they became mighty in the land. Saul had an encounter with God and his mindset changed forever. He went from persecuting God’s people to become the pillar of the New Testament Church. You too can change your destiny by changing your mindset.

A few days ago, I was talking to a young friend. She’s a college student and was frustrated with her job. She has a brilliant mind and God has already used her mightily. However, she feels stuck in a job she doesn’t like. I told her what I’m telling you. I told her that she can get any job anywhere she likes. She doesn’t have to stay in a negative environment. All she needs to do is to change her mindset. You too, my friend, are born to do great things. If you can accomplish your dreams by yourself, you’re thinking too small.

Today, no matter what you’re facing, I’m encouraging you to change your mindset. Take off the lid and believe God for the impossible. He has put dreams and vision in you that only you know about. This is the time for you to come out of your box. Express yourself and let the world experience the genius in you. If you change your mindset God will give you a measure of faith you’ve never had. Peace, joy, health, prosperity, healthy relationships, connections and promotions are yours if you only change your mindset. You’re a son and a daughter of a King. You belong to the royalty. Think like one. Talk like one. Behave like one. Your mindset is your measure of success.

“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you” (Romans 12:2 The Message).

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