Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to Hear God's Voice

Does God speak to us today? Some think it is impossible. Others would love to hear God’s voice but they never have. Then there are others who hear God’s voice regularly. Is there really a secret to hearing God’s voice? Does God talk to humans?

God does and wants to speak to us. In fact God wants to speak to us more than we want to hear. God often speaks to us in unexpected time, place and circumstances. God spoke to Moses in the burning bush when he wasn’t expecting it but he was receptive. Instead of blowing it off, Moses took time to stop, think and look into it. He was in sync with God. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice.”

One of the greatest hindrances to hearing God’s voice today is our busy-ness. When we are running around like a chicken with its head cut off, we cannot hear God. If our lives are full of “noises” it will hinder us from hearing God. In order to hear God we have to have a quite spirit. Let’s discuss a few common ways God speaks to us today.

The most common ways God speaks to us is through His Word. The Bible contains God’s thoughts inspired by the Holy Spirit. If you want to hear God’s voice, just read your Bible. As you read the Word of God (logos) suddenly a particular word, phrase or sentence will jump out at you. It will grab your attention. This is your “aha” moment and instruction that you need. That’s called the “rhema” Word of God. It means this Word is now custom made for your specific situation.

God speaks to us through other people. We all have heard about God using prophets to speak to His people. He still does. But God also speaks to us through common men and women. The Bible says that in the multitude of counselors there’s safety. In other words, when we allow people to speak into our lives, we’re hearing God. One word of caution here! God will speak to you the loudest about your life than any other person. Don’t be deceived into believing that you need a personal prophet in your back pocket who will dictate the course of your life. God is in speaking terms with you. God will confirm through other people what He has already spoken to your heart first.

God speaks to us in unusual ways. This can include dreams, visions, audible voices and or any other uncommon circumstances. This is prevalent in Arab nations where it is a huge offense to share the Gospel. People are having dreams and visions of Jesus and coming to know the Lord. There have been reports of whole mosque filled with believers where Jesus has revealed Himself to the people. Like Moses’ encounter with God, these are usually initiated by God.

God speaks to us through everyday life. Next to the Bible, this is the most common way God speaks to me. He doesn’t usually give me an essay but He gives me a word, a phrase or an idea that relates to my circumstances. I like to say, “God twits” to me. You may laugh but I hear God through TV commercials, billboards, books, casual conversations and oh yea – when I’m taking a shower. I know it’s weird! Normally this happens through a quite impression on my heart. When God speaks, I always try to write down the thought. I keep notepad by my bed, in my car, and I write down thoughts on my phone also. Often the Holy Spirit suddenly reminds me about a specific friend while I’m driving or doing whatever. That’s when I call to check on them and pray for them.

Friend, God wants to speak to you more than you want to hear Him. Get the mind of Christ by putting God’s Word in your spirit. God will speak to you through people you know and trust. Stay open to hearing God’s voice in unusual ways. Be sensitive throughout the day to hear God speak to you in a small voice down in your spirit. The more you practice hearing His voice the better you’ll become at it. He loves you and He wants to talk to you.

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” (Jeremiah 33:3 ESV).

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