It’s hard to believe that you’re graduating from high
school today. You’ve reached the pinnacle of success because you can’t go
higher than high school, right? ;) Your hard work, dedication, persistence, and
commitment have finally paid off. Look back with pride on a job well done. Look
forward with excitement to what lies in front but celebrate this moment because
it’s yours to enjoy. You have a lot to be proud of and the world is waiting for
the experience of you.
A wise person once said, “What lies behind us and what
lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” You’re about
to embark on your life’s journey. There will be many different voices trying to
tell you many things. Hear them but most of all follow the still small voice in
your heart because that is the Holy Spirit leading and guiding you. You and God
will always be in speaking terms. He will speak to you louder about your own
life than any other person in the world.
Today, I want to share seven secrets with you that will
give you a head start in life.
Live with your heart. Now that you’re a graduate and
you’ll soon go into college. You’ll hear many different opinions. They will try
to redefine right and wrong. Many times, your own head will reason with you but
always follow your heart. That is where Jesus lives and if you make Him the
center of our life, everything else will fall in place. “Above all else, guard
your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23 NIV).
Be a student of inner beauty. You’re gorgeous! You can be
grateful to mom for giving you the good looks. Being a girl, you’ll spend
endless hours in your life trying to look beautiful on the outside. That’s good
and you must have fun with it. But never let anyone mislead you in what is true
beauty. Your weight, height, or color of skin doesn’t define who you are. God
does! You’re beautiful because you’re the child of the Most High. He never
makes anything second class. Spend at least equal time developing your inner
beauty as you improve your outer looks. “Man looks on the outward appearance,
but the LORD (still) looks on the heart” (I Samuel 16:7 ESV).
Work hard. Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in
God, you can live your dreams. Your hands can heal or it can tear down. Use
your life to build. Don’t wait on anybody for a handout. Do your best and then
let God do the rest. Whatever you do, do it with excellence. “The hand of the
diligent will rule” (Proverbs 22:14 ESV).
Always show mercy. I’ve made so many mistakes that I
can’t even count. But one thing I’ve learnt through my failures; God is a God
of mercy. He doesn’t give us what we deserve. He always gives us better than we
deserve because He is a merciful God. If you want to be like Jesus, quit
throwing stones at people and show mercy. Only strong people can forgive.
Always take the high road. Store up mercy because one day you’ll need it. “Surely
goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life” (Psalm 23:5 ESV).
Have compassion. One of the greatest virtues you can have
is to be compassionate towards the poor, needy, and hurting people in the
world. When you’re compassionate with others, you’re being a “Jesus” to them.
We’re most like God when we show God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion to
those who deserves the least. “When he saw the multitudes, he was moved with
compassion on them” (Matthew 9:36 KJV).
Always build new friendships. It’s great to have close
friends and you must be loyal to them. However, people are always cycling out
of our lives. If you don’t invest in building new relationships, you’ll
eventually run out of them. Friends are special but don’t idolize them. At any point
of your life, if you have a handful of true friends; you’re rich! “Do not
forsake your friend or a friend of your family” (Proverbs 27:10 NIV).
Honor God with your life. In every crossroad of your
life, ask yourself, “What will honor God in this situation?” The Bible is still
the roadmap for life. Put the Word in you when you don’t need it and it will
come out of you when you do need it. There will be tough times but remember
you’re tougher. The Holy Spirit is your Helper and He is present with you always.
Life’s a boomerang. Whatever you send out will come back to you. “'You must
love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength,
and all your mind” (Luke 10:27 NLT).
Daughter, you’re amazing! Your one-of-a-kind smile, your
warmth and thoughtfulness, gifts and talents they’re enough to make anyone
proud. But it’s your unique blend of them all that makes you such a special
person – someone so easy to love, and so deserving of anything good in life.
Congratulations! Happy graduation! Happy future! I love you and always will. ~
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the
LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope
and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV).
Stay Inspired:
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